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The Movie Guru: 'Inside Out 2' perfectly captures being a teenager, while 'The Watchers' gets bogged down in explanations

The Movie Guru: 'Inside Out 2' perfectly captures being a teenager, while 'The Watchers' gets bogged down in explanations


“Inside Out 2” is now playing in theaters.
Disney/Courtesy photo

Inside Out 2 (in theaters)

Travel in our younger years can be magical, but beware of trauma.

“Inside Out 2” does a great job capturing what it feels like to be a young teenager, but it can be a double-edged sword. Half of the film is a hilarious and heartbreaking journey through Riley's mind, all celebrating complex emotions and the importance of every experience life has to offer. The other half is an endless gauntlet of teenage situations where even the slightest wrong move feels like it will have world-ending consequences, all delivered with enough precision to give the audience flashbacks. If your teenage years were difficult, watching this movie might just give you PTSD.

Although the original film was released in 2015, Riley is only 13 years old for the sequel. One night, puberty hits her with all the suddenness it seems from her parents' perspective, and bad news just before a special hockey camp makes her feel like her entire future will be determined by the next three days. . In her head, Anxiety appears with a whole new set of emotions and locks Joy and her friends away as she attempts to totally reshape Riley's personality to fit in.

The emotions are by turns both powerful and funny. One of the best running gags is a riff on educational children's shows that is absolutely perfect, but it's also an element that leads to the heartbreaking and cathartic finale. Emotions not related to joy can do so much more, and Joy grows even more without abandoning who she is. It's a great family adventure, with possibly a little free therapy at the same time.

Just watch out for those flashbacks.

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Rating: Three and a half stars

The Watchers (in theaters)

When it comes to atmospheric supernatural horror, less explanation is usually better than more. Things that happen at night are always less terrifying when you find out what it is, especially if it's a 20-minute monologue.

Unfortunately, Ishaya Night Shyamalan didn't get that memo. The director is following in her famous father's footsteps by leaning heavily on horror and twists and turns in her inaugural film, “The Watchers,” but she missed a few other lessons. Unlike “The Sixth Sense,” which kept the clues to its biggest twist quiet and subtle, “The Watchers” telegraphs its ultimate mystery with bits of exposition that resemble Wikipedia entries. There are some interesting ideas here, but I wish Shyamalan had left more to the imagination.

The film focuses on Mina (Dakota Fanning), an emotionally disconnected pet store employee who poses as other people in bars. When she is sent on a mission at work, she collapses in the middle of the forest and is surprised by mysterious figures. Trapped in a box and watched by mysterious figures, Mina continues to try to escape as her secrets and those of the group's invisible “watchers” are revealed.

Unfortunately, Mina's story also gets in the way of the film's often excellent atmosphere. The story itself is perfectly fine, but because no one else gets the same level of detail, it takes on more importance than it deserves. This doesn't seem at all related to the larger themes of the film, and telling us it over and over again doesn't change that fact. Just like the rest of this film, more words do not equal more meaning.

Rating: One and a half stars

Jenniffer Wardell is an award-winning film critic and member of the Denver Film Critics Society. Find her on Twitter at @wardellwriter or message her at [email protected].




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