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Racing fans can expect a jam-packed entertainment lineup during New England's only NASCAR weekend

Racing fans can expect a jam-packed entertainment lineup during New England's only NASCAR weekend


LOUDON, NH Of course,NASCARWeekends at the Magic Mile are known for their fast cars, screeching tires and the roar of 40 of the world's best drivers flying down the front stretch, but it's the off-track fun atNew Hampshire Motor Speedway(NHMS) that will make New England’s only NASCAR weekend unforgettable. From the fan hangout at The Groove to the NASCAR Kids Zone, from driver appearances on the Morning Show and Trackside Live to autograph sessions in the Fan Zone, from acrobatic canines to concerts, NASCAR Weekend at the Magic Mile will offer a fun schedule of family entertainment options for all ages. The free activities begin on Wednesday June 19 and continue until Sunday June 23. The entertainment program includes:

The Groove Fan HangoutThe grooveis the ultimate meeting place to mingle with friends, family and other racing fans. Located in the Fan Zone, The Groove will feature DJs, a mechanical bull, a selfie station and plenty of live entertainment, as well as comfortable sofas to relax on while taking in all the sights. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Open Wednesday to Sunday during race week, fans will be able to enjoyCamper Appreciation Bingo Night presented by THOR Industries(6 p.m.-8 p.m. Wednesday) as well as performances fromApril Cushman Group(7 p.m.-9 p.m. Thursday) andFlying Ivorys dueling pianos(9:30 p.m.-11 p.m. Saturday).

Elm City Party Bike THEElm City Party Bikeis New England's first pedal-powered party and touring bike, and it's coming back to NHMS. Racing fans can enjoy a fun, social and relaxing way to explore NHMS property from The Groove, around the Fan Zone, to The Flat Track and back while exercising or taking a snack or drink of your choice. The best part? Its BYOB!Elm City Party Bike tours will run up and down Broadway Friday through Sunday of race weekend. Each tour lasts approximately 10-12 minutes, so gather your riding partners and head to The Groove to sign up for a ride.

The morning show NASCAR personality Jose Castillo will host a live talk show from 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Saturday morning featuring appearances by drivers from all three NASCAR series racing at the Magic Mile. Don't missThe morning showat the Magic Mile Stage located just outside the inner tunnel. Guests include Daniel Hemric (10:15 a.m.), William Byron (10:30 a.m.), Justin Bonsignore, Doug Coby, Ron Silk (10:45 a.m.), Austin Hill and Corey Heim (11 a.m.).

Live at the trackside This high-energy entertainment pre-race show includes driver interviews with some of the world's biggest stars.NASCAR Cup Series(NCS), including Tyler Reddick, Ross Chastain and Martin Truex, Jr., and many antics and jokes from Kenny Wallace and John Roberts. Racing fans can catchLive at the tracksideon the Magic Mile stage Sunday at 11 a.m.

Dirty deeds: the AC/DC experience A true audio and visual experience, fan favorite AC/DC tribute bandDirty deedsinvites racing fans to take part in two hours of pure rock n roll escapism as they take the stage to pay tribute to one of the greatest bands of our time. The concert will take place on the Magic Mile Stage located just outside the indoor tunnel opposite Lot S2 on Saturday from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.

NASCAR Kids Zone Back for a second year, theNASCAR Kids Zonewill be in the Fan Zone Friday through Sunday with a Toyota coloring car, NASCAR arcade, LEGO build, 6V Ride on Racer track, NewBright RC NASCAR racers and Adventure Force play area.

Family movie night Race fans can purchase their favorite popcorn and snacks and find their place in the stands or cozy up on a blanket on the grassy hill to enjoy Guardians of the Galaxy on the indoor screens.Family movie nightis scheduled for an 8 p.m. start Thursday.

North Woods Law: New Hampshire Racing fans can visit with Col. Kevin Jordan, Capt. Michael Eastman, Lt. Adam Cheney and conservation officers Nicholas Masucci and Cole LeTourneau of Animal Planets. North Woods Law: New Hampshire Saturday and Sunday in the Fan Zone. They will also hold an autograph session on Sunday from 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Fan Zone autograph tent.

Canine stars THECanine starsThe educational entertainment act features a world-class team of dog trainers and their adopted dogs from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands and South Korea. They have been touring North America since 2012, were seen on Americas Got Talent in 2021 and will perform multiple shows daily in the Fan Zone Friday through Sunday.

Games and rides Before the green flag flies, the Fan Zone is the place to be all weekend. Located in lot S2, opposite the interior tunnel, Fan Zone activities will be fully visible Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Racing fans will enjoy the classic and ridestest their physical agility in the inflatable obstacle course, score a hole-in-one at mini-golf and play pétanque with their friends.

New England Racing MuseumAuto racing fans can explore the history of auto racing in New England atNew England Racing Museumlocated behind the Flat Track, near the south entrance to the highway. The museum features more than 30 historic racing cars and motorcycles as well as an iRacing simulator, library and other interactive exhibits.

Rock Point Viewing Area Point of the Rockis an open viewing area featuring lawn games, picnic tables and a cash bar perched atop a beautifully landscaped fourth turn area. It's the perfect place for racing fans to cheer on their favorite drivers with their friends as they mash the gas and race toward the finish line. Rock Point is open Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. The area will close after the final checkered flag each evening.

Food court Race fans looking to fuel up for the race can stop byFood courtbehind the main stands for delicious grab-and-go options, race weekend favorites and more. The food court will open at 11 a.m. Saturday and Sunday and close each evening after the final checkered flag.

Giant games The NHMS has somevery funnyin store for racing fans at the Flat Track, with giant pong, corn hole and a bouncy house duringSIG SAUER Academy Dirt Duels. The party starts at 4 p.m.

Atlas Fireworks and Draw the Line presented by THOR Industries. In Flat Track, once the last checkered flag flies on the SIG SAUER Academy Dirt Duels,Atlas Fireworkswill organize an incredible fireworks display beforeDraw the linecomes on stage, all presented by THOR Industries. Atlas Fireworks is set to light up the sky around 8:55 p.m., followed by the only officially endorsed Aerosmith tribute band. Draw the Line will arrive on The Flat Track stage after the fireworks. Be sure to more information on all these features and more. New England's only NASCAR weekend will take place June 21-23 at NHMS.

On-track action begins on Friday with practice and qualifying sessions for theNASCAR Xfinity Series(NXS) andWhelen's modified tour(NWMT) as well as the SIG SAUER Academy Dirt Duels at Flat Track. The action continues with NCS qualifying, the SciAps 200 NXS race and the Mohegan Sun 100 NWMT race.Doubleheader Saturdayand culminates with the NCS taking on The Magic Mile Sunday for theTHE UNITED STATES TODAY 301.For a schedule of the NASCAR weekend,

Tickets: Log in toNHMS.comfor tickets and more information on the action-packed racing weekend lineup. Tickets for the SIG SAUER Academy Dirt Duels start at just $25 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under. Tickets for Doubleheader Saturday, featuring the SciAps 200 NXS race and the Mohegan Sun 100 NWMT race, start at just $49 for adults while children 12 and under are free. Tickets for Sunday's USA TODAY 301 NCS race start at just $64 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under.NMHS websiteor by calling 833-4LOUDON.

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