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Johnny Wactors' Brother Thinks Actor Killers Will Be Caught

Johnny Wactors' Brother Thinks Actor Killers Will Be Caught


Relatives of Johnny Wactor demand justice following the General Hospital the death of the actor.

Speaking in an interview broadcast on Thursday June 13 episode of TodayJohnny's brother Grant Wactor insisted the killers “will be stopped” after the actor was gunned down aged 37 in downtown Los Angeles in the early hours of May 25.

PEOPLE previously reported that Johnny was killed after encountering three armed car thieves who were trying to steal his catalytic converter from his vehicle. He had just finished his shift at Level 8 and was walking to his car with his colleague Anita Joy, who was at his side when he died.

“They will be arrested. They will be found. They will be tried. We will be here for that,” Grant said of the killers. Today.

He added of how he feels: “It doesn't feel real yet. For me personally, it's just a lot of anger and sadness and empty numbness too.”

Security guard Bryan Barkley, who also worked at the club, apparently called 911 and attempted to perform CPR on the actor after seeing what happened.

“I gave him a hug and said thank you for being there for him,” Grant said of Barkley on Today.

No arrests have yet been made in connection with this crime. On Wednesday, June 12, Johnny's friends and family organized a Justice for Johnny Wactor march, calling on justice and city leaders to increase public safety.

Friends, family and supporters of Johnny Wactor march in Los Angeles.

Sipa via AP

“I don't know what the answer is, but someone needs to create one and find the right one quickly. We don't want another grieving mother. Obviously I don't want another grieving brother. He Shouldn't have steps for things like this,” Grant insisted.

Speaking at a press conference, Grant said: “Back home we're all obviously suffering. We're doing everything we can to try to stay busy and keep that at the forefront, so thank you everyone for being here and this helps us keep that in mind so we can continue to press this issue.”

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“The main thing is that it was [a] senseless act of violence. This was something neither of us expected. He was 37 years old. He would be 38 in August and it hurts,” he added in footage shared from the conference by NBCLA.

Grant Wactor (left) joins the march after the death of his brother Johnny Wactor.

Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times via Getty

PEOPLE reported on May 29 that the Los Angeles County medical examiner-coroner determined Wactor died of a gunshot wound to the chest. His cause of death is listed as homicide.

Wactor, who was best known for hisGeneral Hospitalrole of Brando Corbin, also appeared inArmy Wives, NCIS, The OA, Westworld, The Passenger, Station 19, Barbee Rehab, Siberia, Agent X, Vantastic, Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Girl, Training Day, Criminal Mindsand more.

A GoFundMe The page set up to help his family with funeral and travel expenses has now reached more than $133,000 in donations.




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