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You will be shocked at how Christopher Nolan was treated by Indian authorities: Anurag Kashyap says Indians have no interest in empowering cinema | Bollywood News

You will be shocked at how Christopher Nolan was treated by Indian authorities: Anurag Kashyap says Indians have no interest in empowering cinema |  Bollywood News


Filmmaker Anurag Kashyapwho openly criticized Indian authorities taking “credit” for the recent success of Indian filmmakers at the Cannes Film Festival, said it was enough to review the way the director Christopher Nolan was processed during the shooting of his film Tenet in Mumbai to identify problems in the system. Key scenes of the 2020 sci-fi action film were filmed in Mumbai and, according to Kashyap, Nolan and his team didn't have an easy time.

In an interview with Fever FM, the filmmaker said that once upon a time there was a proper system to finance films, but times have changed. “There was a film body that supported people like Shyam Benegal and Govind Nihalani, but now even the grants that some states attract filmmakers with take up to eight years to arrive. Much of it is just make-believe. You should one day talk to Christopher Nolan's team about the problems they encountered when trying to film Tenet in India. You will be shocked at how he was treated. His equipment was held by customs. There are thousands of stories. Let's stop telling ourselves stupid things by pretending that there is a system that gives power to cinema,” he said.

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Anurag further exposed the system of trying to take credit for Payal Kapadia's recent victory at Cannes; his film, All We Imagine As Light, won the prestigious Grand Prix at this year's festival. Anurag said, “We had a great showing at Cannes this year. Anasuya won the best actress award, Payal Kapadia, Sandhya Suri, Karan Kandhari films… None of them were supported by India. Payal did not even benefit from the rebate due from India, even though it is an Indo-French co-production. This would not have been achieved without French funds. Karan's film was made by the British Lottery Fund, Sandhya's was made in the UK and Konstantin (Bojanov, director of The Shameless, starring Anasuya) was living at my house and no actor responded to him. It took him 10 years to make this film. Anasuya was a production designer turned actor. I'm sorry to say this, but India doesn't support cinema, independent cinema… Our film was at Cannes, and everyone refused to make a costume for Nawaz after looking at his face.

dimpled Kapadia principle Dimple Kapadia plays the role of a Mumbai-based arms dealer called Priya in Tenet. (Photo: Warner Bros.)

He concluded: “Let’s stop gloating about the hard work of others. They did it themselves. Payal has already won twice, but her films haven't even released in India. The support she receives comes from outside. After her big win, everyone wants a piece of her, but she had no choice but to get out. »

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Previously, international productions such as Skyfall had also backed out of a planned filming schedule in India, reportedly after running into difficulties with authorities. Former Union Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi was quoted by the Hollywood Reporter as saying in a 2014 parliamentary session that he had set three conditions for James Bond producers, which included the endorsement of Indian Railways. I set three conditions: that they not show passengers in India traveling on the roofs of trains; that there will be no compromise with safety during filming; and that James Bond would sign on as the brand ambassador of Indian Railways, he said. The scene was ultimately filmed in Türkiye. Director Sam Mendes alluded to people “trying to sabotage production” in India in a 2012 Hollywood Reporter article.

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