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Father's Day 2024: Top 10 most unconventional dads from Bollywood films like Paa to Jawan

Father's Day 2024: Top 10 most unconventional dads from Bollywood films like Paa to Jawan


Bollywood fathers different in their own way

Bollywood fathers different in their own way

Bollywood has time and again found refuge with its oscreen fathers. Whether it's single fathers, those who are overprotective of their children, or even those who are affectionate, we can often see the reflection of our own fathers in the way Hindi films portray him . And over time, the way these characters are written only gets better, more realistic and honest.

While actors like Amrish Puri, Alok Nath and Anupam Kher have done their job well by being some of the most popular fathers on screen, we have also had unique fathers who weren't like what one might have expected. 'to wait for. From the history that surrounded them to the actors who played them, everything was rare about these patriarchs.

On Fathers Daywe look at some of the unconventional projects Bollywood dadswhich left a deep impression in the minds of the audience for good reasons.

Kunwara Baap (1974)

Mehmood gave a memorable performance in Kunwara Baap
Mehmood gave a memorable performance in Kunwara Baap

Among the first single fathers of Hindi cinema, legendary actor Mehmood played a lonely father in this tearjerker. The actor played a rickshawala who raises a polio-affected child abandoned by his parents. Even though the film aimed to raise awareness about polio, he touched hearts with a performance that was a pleasant departure from Mehmood's usual comedy gigs.

Jab Pyaar Kissise Hota Hai (1998)

Salman Khan and Aditya Narayan in a still from Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai
Salman Khan and Aditya Narayan in a still from Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai

Salman Khan played the role of Aditya Narayan's accidental father, who enters his life out of nowhere, making him look back on his various past adventures and wonder who his mother is. Salman's transformation from casanova to protective father in this romantic comedy was an interesting character, while he mostly played typical hero roles in the 90s.

Paa (2009)

Abhishek Bachchan played Amitabh Bachchan's father in Paa
Abhishek Bachchan played Amitabh Bachchan's father in Paa

Playing the role of a father to your father was not something anyone would have imagined Abhishek Bachchan to do. But he won hearts with Paa by featuring a man aspiring to fulfill his paternal duties despite his public image as a politician. His son (Amitabh Bachchan) born out of wedlock with Vidya Balan, suffers from progeria. The emotional scenes between father and son are still relevant today.

Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (2013)

Farooq Sheikh left an emotional dent in the hearts of the audience with Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
Farooq Sheikh left an emotional mark in the hearts of the audience with Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani

One of Farooq Sheikh's last movie outings before his demise, his beautiful special appearance is still celebrated. The legendary actor's scenes with his son Kabir (Ranbir Kapoor) are some of the best moments of the film, which leave you with tears in your eyes more than once. He portrayed every father who lives for the happiness of his children, even if it meant putting his own desires aside.

Fig (2015)

Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan won hearts with Piku
Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan won hearts with Piku

This father-daughter duo might be some of the cringiest you've seen in Bollywood, but there were so many layers of love and respect inside. The way they communicated in the silences was beyond measure. They cared, fought, made up and missed each other only to return again and again to the comfort of their companionship. Bhashkor Banerjee was sarcastic, but too real to be true.

Dangal (2016)

Aamir Khan had a major physical transformation for Dangal
Aamir Khan had a major physical transformation for Dangal

A Fan-Favorite Feminist Dad, When Aamir Khan Asked “Are thieves less than thieves?” we all felt it. Playing wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat in this biography, he became a weirdo haanikaaraak bapu. Aamir balanced the role to the T, as he played a gentle man on the inside, who dreams big for his children. A memorable Bollywood father!

Jawaani Jaaneman (2020)

Alaya F played Saif Ali Khan's on-screen daughter in Jawaani Jaaneman
Alaya F played Saif Ali Khan's on-screen daughter in Jawaani Jaaneman

When a father is a more flamboyant character than his pregnant daughter, we have a quirky parent-child relationship. And who better than Saif Ali Khan to do it. He plays a 40-year-old man, a carefree womanizer, who still believes that life is one big party, until he has to face a future mother-daughter he didn't know existed!

Darban (2020)

Sharib Hashmi received widespread praise for his performance in Darbaan
Sharib Hashmi received widespread praise for his performance in Darbaan

Sharib Hashmi's most notable performance to date, he plays a guilt-ridden man who ends up giving his own son to the couple he serves, as redemption. A selfless man who goes beyond his periphery to raise his son. Based on the short story by Rabindra Nath Tagore, this is probably the best adaptation you'll see.

The Bridge 2 (2023)

Sunny Deol played Utkarsh Sharma's father in Gadar 2
Sunny Deol played Utkarsh Sharma's father in Gadar 2

Tara Singh can extract any hand pump to save her family. In the sequel, he plays a father who can take on an entire nation and create chaos if anyone lays a finger on his son Jeete. Sunny Deol created a distinct fan base for Tara and only took her to another level in the sequel. The coordinated father-son action scenes were quite a spectacle in this blockbuster.

Jawan (2023)

Shah Rukh Khan had dual roles as father and son in Jawan
Shah Rukh Khan had dual roles as father and son in Jawan

Shah Rukh Khan played both father and son. But it was the dad who stole the show. Like Vikram Rathore, who had an air of mystery, was a threat to his enemies. He not only had the best dialogues, but even the best moves. So much so that fans demanded a spin-off of this character, tracing his years when he was rescued, until he was reunited with his son, Azad. Vikram has no memory of his son, but when he hugs Azad, the audience feels it.




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