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Tony Awards Host Ariana DeBose Says Viewers Should Expect 'Complete Broadway Experience'

Tony Awards Host Ariana DeBose Says Viewers Should Expect 'Complete Broadway Experience'


NEW YORK (AP) Ariana Debose promises Sunday's Tony Price will move like a Broadway show.

It's the biggest night on Broadway. Why not treat your loved ones to an even closer Broadway experience? the Oscar winner and Tony nominee told The Associated Press on Thursday. Our show is going to be like a Broadway show. We want to give you the complete Broadway experience.

This means that viewers will see transitions between scenes, with actors coming on stage to help move elements and sets changing in front of the audience. In the past, a wall has collapsed between production numbers and awards, obscuring changes.

Does this mean we can see Jessica Lange nominated for Best Lead Actress in a Play for her work on Mother Play carrying furniture? I'm not sure Ms. Lange will move a table. I really hope she ends up having a good time, DeBose said with a laugh.

The three-hour main show will air on CBS and stream on Paramount+, with a free pre-show featuring tech awards on Pluto TV.

DeBose is producing this year and choreographing her opening number with her creative partner, Julius Anthony Rubio.

I did it on purpose because I wanted to try something new. I speak dance better than English, she said. So I said to myself: why not? I'm in my Debbie Allen era.

DeBose saw every new Broadway show this season all 36 to prepare the concert: I feel like I have the responsibility to understand the season if I want to influence the show we are building.

Other Tony hosts who have done it multiple times include Angela Lansbury, Hugh Jackman, Neil Patrick Harris and James Corden.

DeBose was praised for keeping last years show afloat without script during Hollywood writers strike, starting with an acrobatic opening number and a trouble-free three-hour TV show.

I was very grateful that we were able to find a way forward. “I think sometimes you just have to say, I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I'm going to do this, and it all works out,” she said.

DeBose says the recent addition of a streaming pre-show hosted this year by Julianne Hough and Utkarsh Ambudkar takes some pressure off him during the main event: I'm very excited for them. I know they're having a good time.


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