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Kiara Advani marks a decade in Bollywood with an emotional celebration

Kiara Advani marks a decade in Bollywood with an emotional celebration


Bollywood star Kiara Advani, who made her first appearance on the big screen in 'Fugly', celebrated ten years in the film industry on Thursday with a heartfelt and emotional tribute to her journey.

Reflecting on her career, Kiara shared a nostalgic video that captured a whirlwind of emotions. The video opened with a light-hearted moment as she reminisced about her early days, humorously telling her team how she “put on shows” for her family. This was followed by a charming clip of young Kiara performing, a glimpse into her lifelong passion for acting.

During the celebration, Kiara cut a huge cake decorated with images of the characters she has played over the years. The video also features candid moments from meeting fans, highlighting the close bond she shares with her admirers. During the event, Kiara was moved to tears while addressing her fans, expressing her deep gratitude.

To accompany the video, Kiara penned a moving note, reflecting on the past decade. “June 13, 2014. 10 years and it feels like yesterday,” she wrote. “I'm still that girl, deep in my heart, who can't wait to play for her family…only now my family is a lot bigger because every one of you is a part of it.”

Also read: Kiara Advani stuns in a pink-black dress at the Women in Cinema gala in Cannes

Kiara's message was filled with gratitude for the love and support she has received throughout her career. “Grateful for all the blessings, prayers, love, dreams, experiences, memories, smiles, tears, learnings, the journey, the films, the characters I play, my directors, producers, co -actors, mentors, teachers, critics, the audience, my family, my fans and to each and every one of you who made this dream come true! Thank you for your continued support and love,” she added.

To add to the celebratory mood, her husband, actor Sidharth Malhotra, posted a touching message on Instagram. “Cheers to a decade of hard work, love and passion! Keep shining,” he wrote, marking the occasion with warmth and affection.

Kiara's journey in Bollywood began with 'Fugly', but she quickly rose to fame with remarkable performances in films like 'MS Dhoni: The Untold Story', 'Lust Stories', 'Kabir Singh', 'Shershaah', “Guilty”, “Good Newwz” and “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2”.

Looking ahead, Kiara is set to star in the political action thriller 'Game Changer' alongside Ram Charan, directed by S. Shankar. Additionally, she will join the YRF spy universe in 'WAR 2' with Hrithik Roshan and Jr. NTR, and will be seen in 'Don 3' with Ranveer Singh.

As she embarks on the next chapter of her career, Kiara Advani continues to captivate audiences with her talent and charm, proving that her journey is far from over.




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