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Kartik Aaryans' Coach Reveals Actors' Workout Plan for Chandu Champion: He Couldn't Do a Single Push-Up Initially | Bollywood

Kartik Aaryans' Coach Reveals Actors' Workout Plan for Chandu Champion: He Couldn't Do a Single Push-Up Initially |  Bollywood


Actor Kartik Aaryan looks ripped in his upcoming sports drama Chandu Champion, directed by Kabir Khan. The film, based on India's first Paralympic gold medalist, Murlikant Petkar, saw the actor completely transform to fit the role. Kartiks' physical trainer, national-level boxer Tridev Pandey, speaks to Hindustan Times and tells us what it took for the actor to get into the skin of the character. (Also Read: Kartik Aaryan on living with a foreign tag: This will stay with me, and I'm okay with that)

Kartik Aaryan in a Chandu Champion photo.
Kartik Aaryan in a Chandu Champion photo.

I met Murlikant before training Kartik

Tridev, who hails from Varanasi, has been a national-level boxer for 14 years. When Chandu Champion's team contacted him to train Kartik, he was up for it on one condition. I found out that Kartik needs to show his body on screen and get in shape. I told Kabir sir that I need time to do this and teach him boxing so that it looks natural on screen. Fortunately, he was willing to do it, says Tridev.

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Tridev Pandey on training Kartik Aaryan for Chandu Champion.
Tridev Pandey on training Kartik Aaryan for Chandu Champion.

The fitness trainer started reading about Murlikant to prepare Kartik for the role. I even met Murlikant once to take advice, he said. And when they started training, Kartik confessed to her that he didn't know the basics of boxing. Instead of getting into sports, I wanted him to get in shape first. This way he could be as nimble as the director wanted without needing a double. The idea wasn't just to have a six-pack of cosmetics, he adds.

Kartik weighed 90 kg and could not do a single push-up

When Tridev met Kartik, he found that the actor had a lot of work to do to portray an athlete who can swim, throw javelin, slalom, play table tennis, shot put and box. I have seen so many sports dramas made in India, but none show real boxing. This is because unless the actor knows the sport inside and out, he cannot give his best. It took us a while but with Kartik, I think we achieved it,” says Tridev.

Tridev Pandey on how Kartik Aaryan transformed for Chandu Champion.
Tridev Pandey on how Kartik Aaryan transformed for Chandu Champion.

He says it took them 14 months in total to get Kartik to where they wanted him to be. He weighed 90kg and couldn't do a single push-up when we met. But agility, mobility and reflexes are a boxer's best friends. At the end of our training, he was on a low-calorie diet, weighed 72 kg, and could do push-ups with 50 kg of weight on his back and pull-ups with 27.5 kg of weight around his waist. Kartik even learned 50 different variations of jumping rope. All this without the need for steroids or injections. I am proud of it, adds Tridev.

Kartik trained like an athlete

Tridev says the boxing part came much later; during the first sessions, Kartik didn't even wear boxing gloves. I've also trained other celebrities, generally, if not for roles. When they are with me, I tell them to forget that they are stars and to train like an athlete. Kartik did it and the skills he learned here will help him throughout his life. People think boxing is all about the upper body, but that's not the case. It all depends on the power generated by your lower body. Once Kartik was fit, we worked on that, he said.

Tridev Pandey explains how Chandu Champion needed the best of everyone.
Tridev Pandey explains how Chandu Champion needed the best of everyone.

Over the years, Tridev has trained many celebrities, like Sanya Malhotra of Pataakha and Jawan, Shweta Tripathi for Mirzapur 3 and many others. But he says training Kartik was by far the hardest thing he has done so far. Chandu Champion is the kind of film that revolves around Kartik's ability to box, swim or wrestle. He moves throughout the project and it took all of us, even his trainer, to do our best to make it work. Usually, actors come to me to practice on particular action scenes, but this was unique, adds Tridev.




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