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The four-time Tony Award-winning producer was 63

The four-time Tony Award-winning producer was 63


Four-time Tony Award-winning actor and producer Ron Simons has died. He was 63 years old.

His production company SimonSays Entertainment announced that Simons died on Wednesday. The cause of his death was not immediately available.

“It is with heavy hearts that we share the unexpected passing of our beloved, blessed and much-loved friend, Ronald Keith Simons. Funeral details will be released,” the production company said. wrote in a statement on Facebook.

Born in Detroit on November 30, 1960, Simons did not initially pursue a career in acting and theater. After earning an MBA in Marketing and International Business from Columbia Business School in 1989, he began his professional career at Microsoft as a product manager in San Francisco.

It wasn't until years later, at age 39, that he decided to quit his job and pursue his dreams in the entertainment field.

He earned his MFA in theater at the University of Washington and eventually moved from California to New York, where he joined the Classical Theater of Harlem and began booking guest roles in films and television shows .

Some of his on-screen credits over the years include Jonny Zero, Law and order: criminal intent, 27 dresses, Gun Hill Road, Law and order, The defenders, Daredevil, The resident And Then you came.

However, Simons decided to go into producing when he wasn't landing as many acting roles as he would have liked. He founded SimonSays Entertainment in 2009.

His first producing job was on the 2010 film The night surprises us, with Kerry Washington and Anthony Mackie. As for the theater, it began with the revival in 2012 of Porgy and Besswith Audra McDonald and Norm Lewis.

Simons went on to co-produce several Broadway shows throughout his career, winning Tony Awards for Porgy and Bess, A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder, Vanya and Sonia and Masha and SpikeAnd jitney.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Simons decided to take another leap, this time to lead producer with 2021. Thoughts of a Colored Man and the relaunch in 2022 of for girls of color who have thought about suicide/when the rainbow is enough.

“We are heartbroken to learn of the passing of our friend and former trustee Ron Simon,” Classical Theater of Harlem shared in a statement. “Our thoughts are with his family. Ron left behind an unparalleled legacy on Broadway and beyond. We will always remember his kindness and his incredible talent which inspired so many people.




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