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Norman Reedus pays tribute after death of Walking Dead dog actor

Norman Reedus pays tribute after death of Walking Dead dog actor


Norman Reedus paid tribute to his canine co-star The Walking Dead deceased. In the zombie drama series, the role of Dog, Daryl Dixon's companion, was played by Seven.

The news of Seven's death was announced on the official social media channels of The Walking Dead. A post on Instagram read: “Rest in peace, Seven. TWDHe's the best boy.Reedus also took to his Instagram stories to share the news and add his thoughts. The actor wrote: “I'm going to miss you at seven. Best TV buddy ever.“The messages can be viewed below.

Norman Reedus Instagram Story Dog


The Walking Dead finale answered the biggest question of all

A twist in the final minutes of The Walking Dead series finale answers what happened to a major character without giving too much away.

The character “Dog” was first introduced in The Walking Dead as the companion of Lynn Collins' Leah. After Leah disappears in season 10, Reedus' Daryl finds and adopts the dog, keeping the simple name “Dog”. Dog survived until the end of the series and was last seen in the series finale. The Walking Dead which aired in 2022. Daryl last saw Dog when he went looking for Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Michonne (Danai Gurira), and Judith (Cailey Fleming) promised to take care of the dog for him.

“It feels so good,” Reedus said in an interview with comics about working with Seven. “I love it. I think he's the smartest actor we have. We just did a scene the other day that ended up being the opposite of what it was supposed to be because that the dog just wanted to do something else, and it came out It's so much better. He'll probably run the show. He loves me too.


Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 Gets Premiere Date and New Images

New photos reveal Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride as Daryl and Carol in season 2 of the Walking Dead spinoff.

“So we were talking about: How can we show the state that Daryl is in? And I thought it would be great if he was gone for a while after Rick's presumed death. Daryl just left,” then-showrunner Angela Kang also said, according to Entertainment Weekly, about incorporating Dog into the series. “And Daryl is someone who hunts and goes and does things, and it seemed like a dog would be a good companion. It shows that there's still a desire for him to have a connection in some way or on the other, the dog is his faithful companion.

Norman Reedus helped choose the type of dog for The Walking Dead

Kang also said, “Norman wanted to help choose the type of dog, so he kept texting me pictures of adorable dogs for weeks. And the two dogs playing dog are awesome. The main dog, his name is Seven, and he's just so adorable and such a good dog. So it’s really fun to see Norman finally working with the puppy.”

Source: AMC, Norman Reedus




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