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The Most Expensive Bollywood Houses IndexTap Blog

The Most Expensive Bollywood Houses IndexTap Blog

From Mannat to Jalsa: The Most Expensive Bollywood Homes


June 14, 2024 | Indextapadmin

Bollywood stars are known for projecting larger-than-life personas both on and off screen. In real life, this is reflected in their extravagant lifestyles and magnificent mansions.

From swanky multi-story penthouses to grand mansions, our Bollywood stars have never shied away from living the high life in their not-so-humble homes.

Let's take a look at some of the most expensive Bollywood properties owned by these stars.

Most expensive Bollywood house: Mannat, the royal palace of King Khan.


Address: Mannat, Land's End, Bandstand, Bandra (West), Mumbai

The King of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, needs no introduction and neither does his 'Mannat'. This lavish six-storey bungalow is located in the posh Bandra area. It spans 27,000 square feet and includes five bedrooms, a library, a cinema room, a swimming pool and many other luxurious amenities. On the top floor, there is a large terrace as well as a gymnasium. The list of premium comforts available is quite long!

Mannat, which overlooks the Arabian Sea, is also a popular tourist destination, where hundreds of people throng there to see their favorite star and his residence. Who could forget the iconic balcony? This is where SRK welcomes thousands of fans on special occasions.

Mannat has long held the title of 'Bollywood's most expensive house'. Mannat seamlessly blends neoclassical architecture and contemporary design, from the grand entrance to the meticulously designed comfortable rooms. The interiors of the house, especially the living rooms, have a modern yet regal appearance, which suits our 'Badshah of Bollywood'. His better half, Gauri Khan, collaborated with famous designer Kaif Faquih to renovate the entire house.

The most expensive Bollywood houses: Arpita Farms, Salman Khan's famous farm in Panvel.

Arpita Farms

Estimated cost: Rs 150 crore

Total area: 150 acres

Address: Arpita Farms, Sector – 8, Khanda Colony, Panvel, Navi Mumbai

Next, we have another famous residence that belonged to another legendary Khan. However, calling it a simple house would be an understatement. The farm is named after his sister Arpita and is spread over 150 acres. The farmhouse has three bungalows in total, where the actor spends quality time with his friends and family. It is considered a prized property in the city, with an estimated value of around 150 crores.

Salman Khan's 'Panvel Farmhouse' became the talk of the town during Covid, when the superstar spent majority of his time in lockdown. The property is surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking natural beauty on all sides. It also has a swimming pool, a carousel and a large number of animals, including five horses.

And it's no surprise that the farmhouse has an art room and a well-equipped gym, considering the actor is a talented painter and fitness enthusiast. In addition to all this, the property includes several organic farms, where Salman Khan is an active farmer.

Most expensive Bollywood homes: Jalsa, Big B's iconic residence.

Jalsa House

Estimated cost: Rs 120 crore

Total area: 10,123 square feet

Address: Jalsa, Kapol Housing Society, Juhu, Mumbai

How can we talk about legends without talking about the most famous actor of all time, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan? And how can we not mention his timeless home, “Jalsa”? Mr Bachchan and his family own five bungalows in Mumbai, but Jalsa is his main residence.

Did you know that Ramesh Sippy gifted Amitabh Bachchan this two-story bungalow? For many years, it was one of the most expensive Bollywood houses in the country. And here's another interesting fact: many of Big B's films, including Chupke Chupke and Anand, were shot in Jalsa.

Jalsa's interiors are inspired by Persian and Mughal architecture, with a diverse collection of Indian artwork, majestic paintings, striking chandeliers and traditional arches. The bungalow is surrounded by a beautiful garden filled with leafy shrubs, succulents, trees and tropical plants.

True to its name, Jalsa is a celebration of Indian art and architecture. Redefining greatness, it also honors the illustrious life and career of the “Shahenshah of Bollywood”.

Bollywood's Most Expensive Homes: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone's Sprawling Quadruplex.

Ranveer Singh House

Estimated cost: Rs 119 crore

Total area: 11,266 square feet

Address: Sagar Resham, Bandstand, Bandra (West), Mumbai

We've heard of duplexes and triplexes, but what about Bollywood's power couple? Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone went a step further and got a dream quadruplex! And it is in the prime location of Bandstand in Bandra.

Their swanky new property spans the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th floors of the Sagar Resham building. It costs Rs 119 crore and is touted to be one of the largest residential apartment deals in India, making it one of the most expensive Bollywood homes. The actor reportedly paid stamp duty of Rs 7.13 crore.

Their lavish oceanfront property spans over 11,000 carpeted square feet. It also has an exclusive 1,300 m² terrace and 19 parking spaces. The property, currently under construction, is valued at Rs 1.05 lakh per sq ft due to its prime location. This new apartment is conveniently located near the homes of Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan.

The most expensive Bollywood homes: Hrithik Roshan's opulent triplex penthouse.

Hrithiks Roshan House

Estimated cost: Rs 97.50 crore

Total area: 38,000 square feet

Address: Juhu-Versova Link Road, Juhu, Mumbai

Hrithik Roshan, known for his love of the ocean, bought a beachfront property in Juhu in 2020. But this is no ordinary property! His new apartment, if you can call it that, spans the 14th, 15th and 16th floors of a luxury building in Andheri. These three floors total an impressive 38,000 square feet, including a 6,500 square foot terrace. Imagine that! A 38,000 sq ft mansion in the air in a prime location in Mumbai.

When you are told that it costs around 100 crores, it doesn't seem so far-fetched and unbelievable. The actor reportedly paid 67.50 crores for the duplex (15th and 16th floors) and around 30 crores for the 14th floor apartment. The high property values ​​are due to the upscale neighborhood and stunning views of the beautiful Arabian Sea.

The “Greek God of India” knows how to live life to the fullest!

Other Most Expensive Bollywood Houses

The superb “Villa in the Sky” by John Abraham

estimated at Rs 80 crore.

Total area: 5,416 square feet.

Address: Sea Glimpse, HK Bhabha Road, Mount Mary, Bandra-West

Designed by Alan Abraham, Anca Florescu and Anahita Shivdasani.

The Grand Mansion of ShivShakti, Kajol and Ajay Devgn

Estimated cost of Rs 60 crore.

Total area: 560 square meters.

Address: Juhu, Mumbai.

Designed by: Unknown

Shahid Kapoor's stunning Worli penthouse

Estimated cost: Rs 56 crore.

Total area: 8,625 square feet.

Address: Three Sixty West, Birla Aurora, Hanuman Nagar, Worli, Mumbai.

Designed by Annkur Khosla.

Bollywood's Most Expensive Residences: Conclusion

Beyond the big screen, the glitz and glamor of Bollywood can be seen in the stunning residences of its celebrities. The most expensive Bollywood houses in Mumbai, where property prices are soaring, are symbols of luxury, hard work and success.

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Avdharna Skyros

Avdharna Skyros

Avdharna Skyros is a residential project in Bandra West, Mumbai, developed by Avdharna Infrastructure, one of India's leading real estate developers.

The project offers premium apartments in a variety of layouts, including 4 BHK. The average price per square foot of the apartments is Rs 55,200. The apartments are intended to provide a comfortable living environment, with spacious rooms, high-quality finishes and modern amenities.

MJ Shah 81 gold

MJ Shah 81 gold

MJ Shah 81 gold is a residential project in Bandra West, Mumbai, developed by MJ Shah Group, a leading real estate developer in India.

The project offers affordable apartments in a variety of layouts, including 4 BHK. The average price per square foot of apartments is Rs 30,000. The apartments are intended to provide a comfortable living environment, with spacious rooms, high-quality finishes and modern amenities.




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