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Bollywood's Sexiest Rodent Men With Sharp Facial Features

Bollywood's Sexiest Rodent Men With Sharp Facial Features


Animal metaphors have long been used to describe men, their facial features, body type, and behavioral traits. Hawk-eyed, puppy-faced, gym rat, beast of burden and the list goes on.

Remember how the phrase “golden retriever boyfriend” — meaning a fiercely loyal, warm-hearted, and openly affectionate man — took the internet by storm in 2023? And let us tell you, this was in no way a semantic exception.

Well, it's 2024 and a new term has appeared in the hot men's lexicon: Rodent men or sexy “rat boyfriends”. A The phrase currently making the rounds in Hollywood, rodent men, is used to describe guys who look like human versions of Stuart Little.

The 2024 film by Luca Guadagnino, Challengers made actors Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor the center of attention on social media, with people calling them sexy men with mouse-like facial features. Thanks to them, Rodent Man is now a whole category of handsome guys.

Therefore, we couldn't help but look for sexy examples of Rodent Man closer to home, in Bollywood. But before that, let’s decipher the buzz around this trend.

What does the term “rodent man” mean?

Rodent Man is a phrase used to describe male celebrities – think Jeremy Allen White, Barry Keoghan, Matty Healy – whose physical characteristics mirror those of rodents, such as a pronounced nose, large ears and small, beady eyes.

Although some would be offended to be called a sexy rat, the title is intended as a compliment, with netizens having a field day dubbing whoever they deem appropriate to play a rodent man. According to American tabloids, these facial features are actually the most physically desirable thing a man can have in this new gentle era of American history.

So who is eligible?

An unconventional mouse man with a toothy smile, whose face is not chiseled like Chris Hemsworth or David Beckham's, but is more pinched, pointed and angular – that's your rodent man. These men seem rather nervous and unassuming.

In simpler terms, the only prerequisite is to be beautiful in an unconventional way.

Meet 10 of Bollywood's hottest rodent men

From Kartik Aaryan's angular face to Rajkummar Rao's pointy chin and Babil Khan's button eyes, these Bolly guys are redefining the idea of ​​masculinity with their unique facial features.

1. Kartik Aaryan

Rodent Men of Bollywood
Photo credits: Instagram/Kartik Aaryan

First on our list of hot rodent men of Bollywood, we have Kartik Aaryan. THE Champion Chandu The actor with his angular face, abundant facial hair, button eyes and messy hair is considered the pin-up of “hot rodent” energy. Women adore him for a reason and his ascendant acting career is proof that he has what we call scruffy good looks.

2. Babil Khan

Photo credits: Instagram/Babil Khan

Chivalry, good manners and courtesy exist among this generation of actors and Babil Khan is the living proof. All of this, coupled with his cute scruffy look accompanied by a pair of beady eyes, makes him the rodent man most would find attractive.

3. Pulkit Samrat

Rodent Men of Bollywood
Photo credits: Instagram/Pulkit Samrat

This new groom on the block not only has the facial features of a sexy rodent boyfriend (now husband), but he's also handsome, which accentuates his multiple unconventional desirabilities.

4.Rajkummar Rao

Photo credits: Instagram/Rajkummar Rao

No, Rajkummar Rao's overtly pointed chin is not up for debate here; he always had an angular face and distinctive features. THE Badhai Do The actor is a model of unconventional looks, and his petite frame only intensifies the unassuming star power he brings to the big screen.

5. Ibrahim Ali Khan

Rodent Men of Bollywood
Photo credits: Instagram/Ibrahim Ali Khan

Our list of rodent men is getting hotter by the minute as Bollywood's Pataudi boy Ibrahim Ali Khan joins it. He's got the perfect V-shaped face to top any list of hot and scruffy guys around the world. His thick Nawabi eyelashes, naturally kohled eyes and chiseled jawline are unconventional facial features that set him apart.

What else, does he have eight rippling abs?

6. Zayed Khan

Zayed Khan is another “archetypal rat boy.” The reason? His angular face, his small features and his lively energy, of course. Plus, the fact that he is 6′0″ makes Bollywood’s Stuart Little not that short.

7. Siddhant Chaturvedi

Rodent Men of Bollywood
Photo credits: Instagram/Siddhant Chaturvedi

Siddhant sums up what beauty and great talent mean. Speaking of pretty, do you see a bit of rodent heat around his face? Well, we sure do!

8. Mihir Ahuja

Photo credits: Instagram/Mihir Ahuja

This young The Archies the actor has a very Ratatouille-ish vibe about it. It's not just her angular and sharp face, but also her energy, which seems young and cheerful.

9. Shantanu Maheshwari

Shantanu Maheshwari, the actor-dancer who played Alia Bhatt's lover in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film Gangubai Kathiawadi (2022) was blessed with a rather attractive shabby look. Her thick, wavy locks further accentuate her beauty.

10. Darsheel Safari

Rodent Men of Bollywood
Photo credits: Instagram/Darsheel Safary

Well, we saved the best for last. Darsheel Safary definitely has what it takes to qualify as Rodent Man. The actor, who became iconic with Above the earth (2007), has bulging eyes, small facial features, and somewhat crooked teeth – some peculiarities that make him rather handsome in an unconventional way.

(Hero and Feature Image Courtesy: Instagram/Kartik Aaryan/Rajkummar Rao/Pulkit Samrat)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

– Who is a rodent man?
Rodent men is a phrase used to describe male celebrities like Jeremy Allen White, Barry Keoghan and Kartik Aaryaan, whose physical characteristics mirror those of rodents, such as a pronounced nose, large ears and small, beady eyes.

– Who are the actors who can be called Rodent Men in Bollywood?
Kartik Aaryan, Rajkummar Rao, Pulkit Samrat and Siddhant Chaturvedi are Bollywood actors who are referred to as rodent men.




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