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Graphic novels written by Anthony Bourdain will adult swim show “Get Jiro!” »

Graphic novels written by Anthony Bourdain will adult swim show “Get Jiro!”  »


Adult Swim is preparing two new series, one of which adapts the graphic novels of the late Anthony Bourdain.

Ahead of Warner Bros.' adult animation debut Discovery which will be held on Friday at the Annecy Animation Festival, The Hollywood Reporter can exclusively reveal that Go live! received a series order from Adult Swim. The half-hour animated project is based on the New York Times bestselling DC/Vertigo graphic novels written by celebrity chef and television personality Bourdain and Joel Rose, featuring illustrations by Langdon Foss and Alé Garza.

Set in the near future, the series focuses on a mysterious, revenge-driven sushi chef named Jiro in a version of Los Angeles where patrons resort to murder to secure a table at coveted restaurants. Go live! is created by Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka, who co-wrote last year's A24 feature Sharper which starred Julianne Moore and Sebastian Stan, and they were producers of the NBC comedy series Hypermarket. Bourdain and Rose's first graphic novel in the franchise was published in 2012.

Also participating in series on Adult Swim is Super Mutant Magic Academy from creators JG Quintel (Emmy Award-winning creator of Cartoon Network Regular show) and Jillian Tamaki. The surreal comedy series focuses on Marsha, a sarcastic transfer student with a mysterious past who finds herself in a high school comprised of mutants and human students trying to navigate their friendships, relationships, and budding powers.

From left to right : Be live, Super Mutant Magic Academy And My Adventures with Superman.

Free swimming for adults

Super Mutant Magic Academy is based on Tamaki's comic series and comes from Cartoon Network Studios.

In addition, My Adventures with Superman landed a third season on Adult Swim. Currently airing in its second season, the serialized project is based on DC characters and follows twenty-somethings Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen on their journeys of self-discovery.

Jack Quaid plays Superman and Clark Kent, Alice Lee plays Lois Lane and Ishmel Sahid brings Jimmy Olsen to life. The second season is expected to include a major character reveal in Saturday's episode, ahead of the drama that will ensue for the third season.

Streaming platform Max launched this week in Europe, giving many Annecy attendees a greater chance to experience Adult Swim programming. The Annecy Animation Festival continues until Saturday in Annecy, France.




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