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12th Fail: A story of resilience that manages to transcend Bollywood norms

12th Fail: A story of resilience that manages to transcend Bollywood norms


Exams are a step towards a future we all dream of. Coupled with determination and tons of hard work, millions of students across the world take exams with the dream of living their best life with their loved ones.

Vidhu Vinod Chopra's 12th Fail is not your usual Bollywood film. It’s a story of triumph that resonates with thousands, if not millions, of students around the world. The plot revolves around Manoj Kumar (Vikrant Massey), who comes from a family who does not appreciate the luxuries of life. Interestingly, the concept of exams is a joke to the people of his town, and even teachers let students copy it. Inspired by a senior police officer who comes to his village, Manoj is fascinated by the power and prestige that authority presents, which instantly gives him ambition to climb the social ladder.

Soon after, the film follows Manoj's struggles as he settles into the city with absolutely nothing. He gets his first taste of life when a passenger sitting next to him steals his grandmother's savings. From that moment on, Manoj's unwavering determination in the face of life's trials and tribulations is evident. The film vividly captures the struggle against the realities of a person from the protagonist's background. Hailing from Chambal, an unknown city, Manoj works tirelessly for hours and hours, studying as much as possible and not prioritizing the basic need of sleep. Hunger, rising temperatures and distractions don't stop Manoj from realizing his dream. After failing in 3 of his 4 attempts in the UPSC exams, Manoj was finally called for an interview following his 4th attempt. With his heart beating harder than ever, he gives an interview that cannot be put into words. The raw emotion and delivery was perfected by Vikrant Massey, a remarkable cadence throughout the film.

In short, the film is a must-see. It may not contain any exciting elements or striking dances, but it will definitely touch your heart. A truly complete film.

Cast –

The cast of this film does not include any artists or mainstream mainstays. The film is rather full of sweet and charming actors who will move you. No unnecessary characters, just characters that need to be represented. Manoj Kumar was played by Vikrant Massey and Shraddha Joshi is played by Medha Shankr. The characters in the film truly transcend the actors, so the audience doesn't feel the lack of well-known actors.

Techniques and camera –

The theme of the film does not require any camera work or intricate details. The color grading of the film, however, should be discussed as it further enhances the mood of the film. The slow movements and wonderfully curated music bring out a wide range of emotions for viewers to experience.




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