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Relatives of slain General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor called out Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascn for failing to make any arrests in the actor's fatal shooting

Relatives of slain General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor called out Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascn for failing to make any arrests in the actor's fatal shooting


Frustrated family and friends of General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor demanded that progressive Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascn seek the harshest punishment for the suspects who fatally shot the actor well -love.

More than 200 people gathered at the downtown Los Angeles site where the actor was shot as he and his colleague encountered three suspects who attempted to steal the catalytic converter from Wactor's car on May 25.

Officials with the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said there are leads in the case, but so far no arrests have been made.

Standing outside where Wactor was shot in the 1200 block of Hope Street, Wactor's friend Micah Parker called on District Attorney George Gascón to push for the maximum sentence for the killers and city ​​officials to “stand aside and do their job.”

“This is the perfect place because the city and its leaders need to understand what low-crime policies lead to,” Parker said. “That brings us here. It's important to us that this story remains a priority for his family and friends because we loved him and he deserves justice.

More than 200 people marched through downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday and called on Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascn to seek the harshest punishment for Johnny Wactor's killers.

More than 200 people marched through downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday and called on Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascn to seek the harshest punishment for Johnny Wactor's killers.

Rally attendees criticized Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascn for his soft-on-crime policies.

Rally attendees criticized Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascn for his soft-on-crime policies.

Wactor, 37, played the character Brando Corbin on General Hospital from 2020 to 2022

Wactor, 37, played the character Brando Corbin on General Hospital from 2020 to 2022

Gascón was not present at Wednesday's rally, but his chief deputy, Joseph Iniguez, told attendees he could not discuss how the case would be handled before arrests were made.

Shawn Smith, also an actor, criticized Gascón for not taking a tougher stance on crimes like thefts and vandalism.

Even here in Los Angeles, we're supposed to be the most progressive, but I can't safely walk down the street to express myself without fear of being shot, yelled at, stabbed or intimidated,” Smith told Iniguez. “I understand you don’t want to comment on sentencing, but we are seeing a trend.”

Wactor, 37, was leaving work at a rooftop bar with a co-worker early on May 25 when he saw three men trying to steal his catalytic converter.

Wactor, 37, was leaving work at a rooftop bar with a co-worker early on May 25 when he saw three men trying to steal his catalytic converter.

The General Hospital star had taken a job at the extravagant new nightclub, Sinners y Santos, known for its live DJs and cathedral-themed decor that includes expansive stained glass windows and spectacular views of the Los Angeles skyline .

The General Hospital star had taken a job at the extravagant new nightclub, Sinners y Santos, known for its live DJs and cathedral-themed decor that includes expansive stained glass windows and spectacular views of the Los Angeles skyline .

He continued: “When we had George Floyd [protests], someone defaced and vandalized the metro rail tracks. The train derailed and people were killed on the train. Gascón did not pursue this. Is this justice?

Iniguez said the prosecutor's office can't build a case unless other law enforcement agencies present the evidence to them.

So I understand the frustration with Mr. Gascón and I hear it,” Iniguez said. “I want to make sure that I focus on the work that our prosecutors do every day. The justice system takes care of bail issues, so that's the one you just mentioned.

He continued: “People get out, but the court system deals with bail. The police investigate and do a good job without us having to prosecute, although we can't do anything if a case is not brought to us.

A frustrated Smith responded: “I've heard a lot about your side about criminals and criminals having stories. Criminals have stories, but victims also have stories.

“When will our stories matter?” When will our stories matter to your office?

Nathan Hochman, who is running in November to replace Gascón, attended the event and blasted the current prosecutor for his lax policies.

Hochman — a former deputy U.S. attorney general who is running as an independent — said victims can't rely on the justice system because Los Angeles has not had a prosecutor who would hold criminals accountable for their actions.

Johnny Wactor was shot at close range and fell to the ground near his vehicle, colleague Anta Joy told

Johnny Wactor was shot at close range and fell to the ground near his vehicle, colleague Anta Joy told

Wactor was rushed to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Wactor was rushed to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Johnny's situation is not about politics,” Hochman said. “It's about having law enforcement in a prosecutor's office that will do the job.”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a Democrat, independent or Republican. It's about who's going to keep this city safe, keep you and your family safe and take care of Johnny's legacy, and his legacy is, quite honestly, to make sure that he doesn't there's no more Johnny. It's the legacy.

He continued: “This is what a prosecutors office absolutely must be committed to – not only finding these three brutal murderers and bringing them to justice, but making sure that we build a Los Angeles that does not allow these people to steal the catalyst first.” converter in the first place, and then they even thought they could kill a person in cold blood.

Wactor was leaving his side job at a rooftop bar with a co-worker around 3:25 a.m. Saturday in the area of ​​West Pico Boulevard and South Hope Street when he saw the three men near his vehicle.

Grant Wactor, Johnny's younger brother told, said Johnny thought he was being towed, so he approached the men.

One of the men then looked up and pointed a gun at Wactor, who placed his body in front of his co-worker as he was shot, Grant Wactor said.

Anita Joy, a co-worker of Wactor's, said her friend saved her life by shielding her from the gunfire. Wactor took his last breath in his arms, she told

The three suspects, who police said were all wearing masks, then fled the scene in another car.

Johnny's younger brother Grant, center, confirmed his death to and said it didn't surprise him to learn his brother was putting others first at the time.

Johnny's younger brother Grant, center, confirmed his death to and said it didn't surprise him to learn his brother was putting others first at the time.

Wactor was shot in the chest and rushed to a nearby hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

The suspects are still at large, but Iniguez said: “We have a number of leads. »

Grant Wactor, who also attended Wednesday's rally, walked with the crowd of 200 people as they marched toward Los Angeles City Hall.

“Me and my family don’t live here. But Johnny, Johnny's friend, has roots here,” Grant Wactor said. “Johnny still has roots here and will continue to have roots here. So we want this to be a safer town for them. .. We want it as soon as possible.




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