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BBC Factual announces new documentary telling the inside story of Nicola Bulley's disappearance

BBC Factual announces new documentary telling the inside story of Nicola Bulley's disappearance


The BBC has announced the commission of a new documentary into the disappearance of mother-of-two Nicola Bulley from Lancashire, featuring exclusive interviews with the Nicolas family and those closest to the case. The Vanishing of Nicola Bulley: The Inside Story (w/t) is produced by BAFTA award-winning filmmakers Rogan Productions and will be broadcast later this year on BBC One and iPlayer.

While walking her usual morning route along the River Wyre in the Lancashire village of St. Michaels on Wyre in January 2023, Nicola Bulley disappeared without a trace. What followed that day captured the nation's attention and resulted in an unprecedented international media storm, the results of which raised significant questions about the manner in which the case was handled by police and the media.

With exclusive access to the Nicolas family and contributions from those who were closely involved in the case, including journalists and Lancashire Police, the film will trace the tragic events as they unfolded. Exploring the media coverage that followed and the amateur Internet sleuths who conducted their own investigations, the film examines their effects on the official police investigation and the Nicolas family.

Clare Sillery, Head of Documentary Commissioning, says: The disappearance of Nicola Bulley hit headlines in early 2023 and sparked weeks of false speculation on social media. This new film asks important and timely questions about why this story resonated so strongly with the public and what impact it had on those closest to the case, hearing directly from those behind it. in the eye of the storm. My thanks to Rogan Productions and all the contributors, especially the family, for sharing their story with us.

Soleta Rogan, Managing Director of Rogan Productions, said: The disappearance of Nicola Bulleys was a tragedy that has remained in the minds of many. What followed demonstrated the power of mainstream and social media and its impact on the case and everyone involved. We would like to thank the family for trusting us with their story and allowing viewers to see who Nicola was behind the headlines.

Nicola Bulley's family said: “Together we thought long and hard about the idea of ​​taking part in a documentary about Nikki. It was not an easy decision. Many people have expressed their views on her disappearance and untimely and tragic death, only we can speak about her as a mother, partner, daughter and sister. We hope our contribution will help people understand what it really means to be in the eye of a media storm.

The Disappearance of Nicola Bulley: The Inside Story (w/t) 1×60 was commissioned by Clare Sillery, Commissioning Manager, Documentaries. It is produced by BAFTA-winning Rogan Productions, directed by BBC New Documentary Director Initiative alumna Rachel Lob-Levyt (Louis Theroux Interviews, Hospital) and produced by James Rogan and Soleta Rogan, with producer Xinlan Rose (The Clinic, Russell Brand). : In full view). Brett Irwin (Uprising, The Kings) is the editor and Emma Loach is the BBC editor.

Please note that the Nicolas family will not be available for media interviews.

A full statement from the family can be found on external site of Rogan Productions.





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