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Meet only the no-fail Bollywood director, who earned Rs 2400 crore at the box office; not Bhansali, Karan Johar, Rohit Shetty

Meet only the no-fail Bollywood director, who earned Rs 2400 crore at the box office;  not Bhansali, Karan Johar, Rohit Shetty


This filmmaker has made six films, all of which became box office successes.

The world of cinema is delicate. There is no guarantee of success because the best-made films can bomb and average films can become blockbusters. The formula doesn't always work. This is why actors and filmmakers with high success rates are highly regarded. And while no actor has a 100% success rate in Bollywood, one filmmaker has miraculously achieved it.

Only Bollywood director without a flop film

Rajkumar Hirani succeeded where even legends like Yash Chopra and Manmohan Desai failed – avoiding one flop film over the course of a fairly long career. The filmmaker has been making feature films for 20 years now and has delivered nothing but success. All his films – Munnabhai MBBS, Lage Raho Munnabhai, 3 Idiots, PK, Sanju and Dunki – were successful at the box office. Four of these six films grossed over Rs 400 crore worldwide and two were the highest-grossing Indian films at one point. The combined worldwide earnings of these films stand at Rs 2,409 crore, one of the highest for any Bollywood filmmaker.

How Rajkumar Hirani avoided failure

Rajkumar Hirani's debut film Munnabhai MBBS was a sleeper hit. Made with a fading star in Sanjay Dutt on a shoestring budget of Rs 10 crore, the film grossed over Rs 50 crore. This allowed Hirani to have creative control over his films, experiment with genres and have big stars work with him. His collaboration with Aamir Khan at its peak gave birth to two all-time blockbusters in 3 Idiots and PK. He gave Ranbir Kapoor his first blockbuster. And finally, Hirani collaborated with Shah Rukh Khan during his resurgence phase, giving another big hit.

When other Bollywood greats failed

It may be hard to believe, but several Bollywood legends have faced numerous failures during their careers. Rohit Shetty recently saw the failure of Cirkus, his biggest failure. Karan Johar was hurt by Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna's poor performance in the domestic market. Even Sanjay Leela Bhansali delivered underperformers like Black and Guzaarish, even though they were critically acclaimed. Yash Chopra had Silsila, Faasle and Vijay in his list of flops, while Manmohan Desai had Desh Premee and Toofan to lament. Rajkumar Hirani has managed to escape box office failure so far, and he might want to keep it that way for the rest of his career.

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