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Singham Again, Stree 2: All release date changes and conflicts explained | Bollywood

Singham Again, Stree 2: All release date changes and conflicts explained |  Bollywood


As the second half of 2024 approaches, there are many changes in the release dates of flagship films. These include highly anticipated sequels like Singham Again and Stree 2, leading to a change in the dynamics of box office clashes on Independence Day and Diwali. Clearly, the clash and double debacle between Bade Miyan Chote Miyan and Maidaan on the occasion of Eid in April this year did not teach any lessons to Bollywood. (Also Read: Alia Bhatt's Jigra and Jr NTR, Janhvi Kapoor's Devara: Swap Part 1 Release Dates)

Singham Again and Stree 2 now have new release dates
Singham Again and Stree 2 now have new release dates

Independence Day Weekend

This August 15, three films were already supposed to compete at the box office. These include Nikkhil Advani's action drama Vedaa, starring John Abraham, Sukumar's Telugu action drama Pushpa: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil, and Rohit Shetty's crime drama Singham Again, starring Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh and Jackie Shroff.

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Earlier this week, Mudassar Aziz's buddy comedy Khel Khel Mein, starring Akshay, Taapsee Pannu, Vaani Kapoor and Fardeen Khan among others, was also added to the I-Day mix. Although there are rumors that the Pushpa sequel has been delayed, there is no official word from the makers yet. However, at the trailer launch of his next, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, Ajay Devgn confirmed that Singham Again will take more time to reach the finishing line. A day later, Rohit Shetty announced that the film will now release on Diwali, instead of Independence Day. This makes it a three-day shocker at the box office on August 15.

Diwali weekend

As for Diwali, Singham Again will not have a solo release either. The date has already been set by Anees Bazmee for another much-awaited sequel, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3. The horror-comedy will see Kartik Aaryan and Vidya Balan reprising their popular roles of Rooh Baba and Manjulika respectively. Triptii Dimri replaced Kiara Advani as the lead, and Mahduri Dixit would also be part of the cast, all set to dance with Vidya's Manjulika. Rajpal Yadav will also reprise his role from the previous two installments.




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