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Oswego County TodayJazz and rock pioneers Blood Sweat & Tears to perform at Harborfest 2024

Oswego County TodayJazz and rock pioneers Blood Sweat & Tears to perform at Harborfest 2024


OSWEGO Blood Sweat & Tears, the iconic band that successfully fused jazz and rock into chart-topping songs, will perform at Harborfest's opening night, 8:45 p.m., Thursday, July 25, on the Constellation Energy stage in Breitbeck Park, Oswego. The performance follows the opening ceremonies at 8:15 p.m. Jimmy Buffett tribute and beach band Gary Roland and the Landsharks Band, hired by Buffett himself to be Margaritaville's house band, opens the evening at 6:30 p.m. Eagle Beverage is sponsoring the evening’s entertainment. . These shows, like all those at Harborfest, are free. The festival runs from Thursday July 25 to Sunday July 28.

The group's best-known songs, Youve Made Me So Very Happy, Spinning Wheel and And When I Die, each reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart, while other Top 40 Hi-De-Ho singles , Lucretia McEvil and Go Down Gamblin has been a concert staple throughout the band's history, now in its sixth decade. Keith Paluso, a former contestant on NBC's The Voice, is the lead singer of the group, whose original founding member, Bobby Colomby, still serves as musical director.

There aren't many opportunities left to see one of the iconic bands that performed at Woodstock for free. We are thrilled to be able to kick off our 35th Harborfest with a band of the stature of Blood Sweat & Tears. It will be a great evening, said Dan Harrington, general manager of Harborfest.

Novelis sponsors Breitbeck Park, which is the heart of the Harborfest celebration. It showcases the scene with daily entertainment, food and drink vendors, children's activities and much more. It is also the prime viewing area for the spectacular annual fireworks display, sponsored by Pathfinder Bank.

Harborfest returns July 25-28, 2024 with food, music, fun and fireworks that brought families and friends together along the shores of Lake Ontario to create unforgettable memories. The festival's free highlight is its spectacular fireworks display over the lake, while its stages feature top national and regional artists. The annual Harborfest Children's Parade on Friday, July 26, is one of many family events that young people can enjoy with their parents. Great food, exciting rides and games, and interesting arts, crafts, and merchandise round out a festival that has been a destination since 1988.

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