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Chiefs News: Patrick Mahomes builds chemistry with WR Hollywood Brown

Chiefs News: Patrick Mahomes builds chemistry with WR Hollywood Brown


Back when quarterback Patrick Mahomes was the team's starter, the Kansas City Chiefs were known for their explosive offense.

In 2023, however, the team's offensive production has declined. largely because the wide receiver corps lacked playmakers downfield. Mahomes' 7.0 yards per pass attempt was the lowest of his career, well below his career average of 7.9. This allowed defenses to focus on tight end Travis Kelce underneath, preventing the team from taking advantage of his skillset.

So, for the 2024 season, Kansas City made a high-profile signing, acquiring free agent Hollywood Brown, in hopes that its once vaunted passing attack can return to dynamic form.

On paper, the duo makes perfect sense. Mahomes' well-known penchant for deep throws aligns well with Brown's speed on the field and playmaking ability. All they have to do now is build chemistry together.

As a coach, you're looking for the communication part, head coach Andy Reid said of the bond Mahomes builds with his new target. Are they willing to share what they think with each other? [Mahomes and Brown] have a good connection with that part of it; They are talking. Once Patrick knows what Hollywood is thinking and Hollywood knows where Patrick can physically take the ball, then that's a good thing.

Mahomes believes Brown picks up the offense quickly and that when he's in the mix, second-year Kelce and Rashee Rice will benefit.

Obviously you see the ability, noted the quarterback. Honestly, I don't know how he is in our position because of his talent. I can just see it going to be a great season for him.

He [will take] pressure put on other guys; I think he will help Trav open up and Rashee open up. It’s going to help all those guys because he’s a speed threat who can run routes and do all these different things. I'm very excited to have him participate in the regular season.

Mahomes told the story of a play from Wednesday practice that demonstrated the duo's growing connection.

I think it's cool because it was very similar to a game we played earlier in OTAs during practice. [reporters] we weren't there, he remembers. There was some sort of Cover 0 blitz. I tried to throw it up earlier. This wasn't necessarily the way the route was supposed to be laid out, but I said so [Brown], Hey, you see the pressure. You have to go. I'll put it in the air and let you run under it.

That was the problem. He picked this up. It was probably two or three weeks ago and then [we] income [to] exactly the same type of game [with] the same pressure. He got there. I threw the ball the same way as last time and he caught it for a touchdown.

That's what I'm talking about. It's not just the physical ability he possesses. He's a smart football player.

And Mahomes believes the more Brown works against defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo's defense, the better he will be.

I'm excited to get him out there, Mahomes said, and have a great training camp against Spags. You learn everything you can possibly learn, and then you go into the regular season ready to go.




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