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Why Prince Harry and Meghan's Hollywood Inner Circle Is Getting Smaller and Smaller

Why Prince Harry and Meghan's Hollywood Inner Circle Is Getting Smaller and Smaller


Prince Harry And Meghan Markle have reportedly lost friends in Hollywood following their high-profile escape from the British monarchy.

The late Princess Diana's butler Paul Burrell said the couple were losing their Hollywood friends and their circle had become “smaller and smaller” four years after moving to the United States.

It comes amid reports that Prince Harry misses his old life and friends and is now looking for a place to live in the UK ahead of a possible return to the country.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reportedly lost friends in Hollywood

Prince Harry and Meghan MarklePrince Harry and Meghan Markle


Harry and Meghan's departure from the British royal family appears to come at a surprising social cost, as their Hollywood connections are now reportedly dwindling at an alarming rate.

Burrell, who served as butler to the late Princess Diana, claimed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex find themselves increasingly isolated from high-profile acquaintances they once considered friends.

During a conversation with Closer! Burrell said: “Harry and Meghan's circle is getting smaller and smaller. I think the A-list stars are dropping like flies.”

He added: “Some already have. Oprah doesn't seem to be involved with them anymore and other celebrities have ditched them as well.”

Hollywood reportedly considers Harry and Meghan a 'sideshow'

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attend the RAF100 flypast at Buckingham Palace in London, United Kingdom on July 10, 2018. 10 July 2018Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attend the RAF100 flypast at Buckingham Palace, London, United Kingdom on July 10, 2018. 10 July 2018


In his remark, Burrell claimed that Hollywood is bored of the couple and is now looking for “the main event.”

Although he admitted that Harry and Meghan were once America's “most popular couple”, they failed to maintain that feat and have now suffered from being snubbed by a few celebrities.

“Back then, stars were enjoying the moment – Harry and Meghan were the country's most popular couple at the time they married, but there has been a decline since then,” the former staff said royal.

He went further to say that Americans “love the royal family” and realize that Harry and Meghan are a “sideshow” and not “the main event.”

According to The sunseveral of their Hollywood friends have “turned down their recent invitations”, including Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, who reportedly turned down an invite to Archie's fifth birthday party.

Other friends who are also distancing themselves from the couple include George and Amal Clooney, who denied them an invitation to their Albie Awards in October.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle plan to commute between the US and UK

Prince Harry, Meghan MarklePrince Harry, Meghan Markle


Reports have recently surfaced suggesting Harry misses his old life and friends and would like to move to the UK four years after moving his family abroad.

According to New York PostFormer royal butler Grant Harrold revealed the pair were looking to split their time between the US and UK, indicating their desire to reunite with his ex-family.

“If Harry buys a place in the UK, he and Meghan will live here part of the year and part of the year in the US, that was the original idea,” Harrold told the outlet.

He went further to say he would “guess that would mean Meghan would also come to the UK and you would see them spending so many months of the year here”, adding that he did not expect to see Meghan “wants to stay in the UK permanently.”

Prince Harry is 'determined' to find a 'permanent' home in the UK

Prince HarryPrince Harry


According to The mirrorHarry is reportedly making efforts to secure a permanent home in the UK as his friends refuse to visit him in the US due to their strained relationship with Meghan.

Following their eviction from Frogmore Cottage in 2023, Harry was forced to check into hotels every time he touched British soil, and royal author Tom Quinn shares that the situation left him “sad.”

Harry is also said to be upset that his father, King Charles, wants his younger brother, Prince Andrew, to move into Frogmore Cottage.

“As time goes by, Harry misses certain aspects of his old life in the UK,” Quinn said. “Inevitably, the honeymoon period, when everything in the United States is new and exciting, comes to an end, and Harry looks at the past through rose-tinted glasses.”

Quinn further claimed that the father of two misses his classmates and army friends, “many of whom have not visited him because they don't get along with Meghan.”

“Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is part of why he is continuing his legal action to make the British taxpayer pay for his security,” he added.

Meghan Markle has 'major condition' before returning to UK

Royal familyRoyal family


Royal expert Quinn also claimed the Duchess of Sussex had a “major condition” that needed to be met before returning to the UK.

Meghan said she was only prepared to return to England if she and Harry had their own accommodation and security which they both considered essential. Meghan would never return to the UK and would stay with relatives from her husband,” Quinn told the outlet. .

“If the couple can find a permanent home and sort out the security issue, they will definitely want to bring their children to the UK, but it will take a lot of diplomacy to get to the point where Archie and Lili can develop a genuine relationship and warm with their cousins ​​George, Charlotte and Louis,” he added.




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