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EXO Group Members Sued by SM Entertainment for Royalty Fees

EXO Group Members Sued by SM Entertainment for Royalty Fees


Just days after a company created to release solo music from members of K-pop group EXO declared “war” on longtime label and star management agency SM Entertainment over the Following a contract dispute, the K-pop giant filed a lawsuit against the trio.

As reported by Korea JoongAng Daily, SM filed a civil suit on Wednesday (June 12) against Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin – also known as the trio EXO-CBX – demanding payment of a 10% intellectual property royalty that the stars allegedly evaded for two months. . According to SM, the singers agreed to pay the fees under a contract signed last year in a deal that allowed them to pursue their solo efforts outside of SM – and pay distribution fees reduced for their solo music distributed by the new majority shareholder of SM. Kakao — while continuing group activities under the names EXO and EXO-CBX under the K-pop giant.

During a press conference held on Monday (June 10) by representatives of INB100 – Baekhyun's newly created company, founded in 2023, which also signed Chen and Xiumin for their respective solo careers – Cha Ga-wonpresident and majority shareholder of the One Hundred holding company of INB100, accused SM of imposing a 10% intellectual property royalty on the members' stage names, as well as the EXO and EXO-CBX names, in exchange for cutting distribution fees for their solo efforts. However, INB100 representatives argue that SM has not fulfilled its part of the contract, which they say frees INB100 from its obligation to pay the 10% IP royalty. INB100 representatives further claimed that the company sent a formal complaint letter to SM in April, but the K-pop giant never responded.

Following the press conference, SM issued a statement disputing the allegations. In the statement, the company claims that the 10% intellectual property fee was established during court mediation when EXO's former members left the group while still under contract – specifically Kris Wu, Luhan and Tao, all of whom left the group between 2014 and 2015. SM also alleged that the stars' contracts with the company are still valid and that the trio benefits from the EXO brand but is not fulfilling their contractual obligations, despite the ensures that the agency is acting in good faith with the lower distribution rate. The company also claimed that it did not respond to INB100's complaint letter because it did not want to distract from the rollout of EXO members Chen, DO and Suho's new music releases this month. last.

The discord that erupted this month came almost exactly a year after Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin first filed a lawsuit against SM over what they deemed to be “slave contracts.” , although this dispute was later settled when the trio reportedly chose to maintain their exclusive contracts with SM. .

Earlier this week, rumors swirled that an upcoming EXO album was in jeopardy as a result of these lawsuits. But on Tuesday June 11, INB100 issued A declaration clarifying that the issues have nothing to do with EXO and that EXO-CBX will “seriously participate in EXO's full group activities with SM in the future.” SM later confirmed this statement by saying “there have been no further discussions about changes to the plan” for the new music. EXO's most recent release was the group's seventh studio album. Existwhich fell last July.




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