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Eid Saree: 5 Eid Saree looks like Fort. Bollywood Celebrities (2024)

Eid Saree: 5 Eid Saree looks like Fort.  Bollywood Celebrities (2024)


Eid Al-Adha festivities will soon begin across the world. As this festival aims to spread love and happiness, people meet and greet each other in their best outfits. If you are planning to create a new look for Eid, here are the celebrity sarees that you can consider wearing for the upcoming festive season.

Eid Saree Looks

Here are the saree looks you can create for Eid functions:

Kiara Advanis Look Plain Pink Sari

Kiara Advani designed this pink saree with white thread embroidery on the pallu. She paired the saree with a deep V-neck embroidered white blouse. This pink and white contrast is perfect to recreate for Eid. She had added a Jhumka and platform heels to elevate her look. You can take inspiration from Kiara's look and recreate the same for Eid.

Kiara Advanis Look Plain Pink Sari

Multicolor Saree Look by Sara Ali Khan

Sara Ali Khan is known for her exquisite royal fashion sense. She is often seen styling suits and shararas on several occasions. However, she took to Instagram and shared her saree look in which she is seen styling a multi-colored saree with a matching blouse. If you are as vibrant as Sara Ali Khan, you can recreate this look for Eid.

Multicolor Saree Look by Sara Ali Khan

Hina Khans Printed Chiffon Saree Look

Popular TV actress Hina Khan's fashion statements took her to the red carpet at Cannes. Her exquisite saree looks are perfect to recreate on multiple occasions. We picked out her printed chiffon saree look which she paired with a matching full sleeve blouse.

Hina Khans Printed Chiffon Saree Look

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Huma Qureshis Look Black Shimmer Sari

You can never go wrong with black. Huma Qureshi's shimmering black saree look makes her appear like a diva. She wore a full sleeved plain black blouse with a shimmering black saree. She added diamond earrings and silver heels to elevate her look. If you are planning to throw a party on Eid, you can wear this look while you entertain your guests.

Huma Qureshis Look Black Shimmer Sari

Parineeti Chopras Look Ice Blue Saree

Newly married Parineeti Chopra wore an ice blue saree with a contrasting black sleeveless blouse. The shiny element of the saree makes it suitable for festivals. She chose small earrings to complete her look. This look is perfect for those who prefer minimalist looks.

Parineeti Chopras Look Ice Blue Saree

Don't Miss: Chand Bali's Trendy Designs, Perfect for Your Eid Celebrations

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