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Governor Ron DeSantis speaks in Hollywood – NBC 6 South Florida

Governor Ron DeSantis speaks in Hollywood – NBC 6 South Florida


Gov. Ron DeSantis said state agencies are helping local officials respond to this week's severe weather that left South Florida inundated with floodwaters.

DeSantis held a news conference at a Hollywood fire station Friday morning after receiving a briefing on the response.

More than a foot and a half of rain has fallen in parts of South Florida since Tuesday, causing widespread flooding that left streets underwater and caused widespread damage to homes and cars.

“We had a very, very dry period, it looked like the Everglades were really dried out, there hadn't been a lot of it, and so the area had a lot of it, but there was so much flooding in such a short period of time that you’re done having that,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis declared a state of emergency for Miami-Dade, Broward and other Florida counties on Wednesday due to heavy rains that flooded the region.

Downpours hit Tuesday and continued through Wednesday, delaying flights at two of the state's largest airports and leaving vehicles waterlogged and stranded on some of the region's lowest-lying streets.

Hollywood was one of the areas that saw the most rain, with a total of 19.10 inches Thursday morning.

DeSantis said conditions had improved but there was still standing water in some areas.

“Obviously the water has receded a lot from what it was and at its worst,” he said.

The governor was also asked what kind of help homeowners can expect. Emergency officials said it would take about 1,000 homes with significant damage and that was far from there. Crews are still assessing the situation, but currently approximately 100 homes in Hollywood have been affected and no destroyed homes have yet been reported in Broward County.

“We don't think there will be enough damage to necessarily qualify for a federal disaster declaration, but there might be enough damage in the case of small businesses because the threshold at which we can release some aid for small businesses is different,” he said.

The National Weather Service warned that even lower rainfall amounts could impact saturated areas, causing flash flooding Friday before the region has a chance to recover.

DeSantis said several state agencies were prepared to help in case of additional rainfall and said the state had about 90 water pumps that were in use or available.

“I told everyone we absolutely need to make sure the streets are good Saturday night so everyone can celebrate the Florida Panthers winning the Stanley Cup,” DeSantis said.

See what's in Friday's forecast here.

This is a developing story. Refresh for updates.




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