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Aspiring Bollywood actors are forced to determine whether they are the hero or villain of their lives

Aspiring Bollywood actors are forced to determine whether they are the hero or villain of their lives


The waiting room is full of gossip about Sakshi Rai and her missteps on a recent talk show. Building on the success of her fifth consecutive hit film, she had ridiculed the unflattering silhouette of her rival.

No wonder this body positivity campaign was concocted less than a month after the controversy. Why do you think the brand suddenly wants dark, chubby, curly-haired women flanking Sakshi? a model said in a low voice.

It is a whitewashing campaign, intended to make Sakshi look more inclusive and offset the blows to her brand image due to negative media reactions. Ironically, the darker you are, the better, adds another.

I even applied extra bronzer to look flawless! admits a third.

The trio laugh as they scan the models arriving through the front door, until one of them says, “This could take all day.” I don't want to miss my audition at Mickey Tanejas' studio later today because I'm waiting for my turn here. It's not every day that you get a call from your casting office, and that too for a lead character. Another hour, maximum, and I'm leaving.

Someone runs out of the studio and shouts: Silence! There is a hearing in progress.

When the door closes, the sound level in the studio decreases. Meera reminds herself to show her good profile more. She brushes a white feather across her cheek, its fronds tickling her. Her natural makeup hides the pigmentation of her skin. If only her complexion was as even as Sakshi Rais's! But for that, she needs to know the best dermatologists in town and have a bank account to match.

This is the third take of his audition. The casting supervisor is irritated by the disturbances but speaks calmly. Remember to turn your chin to the side as you say your sentence. Well, do another take.

He leans further, holding her knees as she strokes the feather across his cheek and says the slogan: Be yourself! and finishes with a seductive smile. There’s something about Meera’s vulnerability that evokes her compassion. He can't explain exactly what it is about her, but she radiates a raw appeal rarely seen in newcomers these days. Off-camera, she has the clumsiness of a fawn standing on its trembling legs for the first time; in front of the camera, the determination of a solitary swan coasting on the water.

If only he could tell her not to get her hopes up and that she wouldn't be the chosen face because the campaign is rigged. The brand has already shortlisted semi-known Instagram influencers for these roles. This hearing is just a formality, a common industry practice to demonstrate inclusiveness. If only he could tell her, but he can't, because his salary depends on his feigning ignorance. Other than congratulating her for this catch and telling her that they will get back to her soon, he cannot reassure her.

Meera comes out, beaming with satisfaction. A good performance always brings out the sun behind the clouds. She walks past a billboard and imagines his face on it. If that were to happen, it would end all the anxiety she felt in handing in her resignation.

Patti had stood by her decision even as she narrated a heartbreaking story from her younger years where she was propositioned by a magazine photographer while taking part in a saree photoshoot. He looked at me with such lust that it made me want to punch him below the belt! Times may have changed, shlam, but not that much. Promise me you'll take care of yourself.

Raghu, as expected, had been unhappy with his decision and had complained. But you shot a commercial just two months ago. You can’t say your agency isn’t giving you deals. Plus, you get a stable income from working here. When Meera told him that she wanted to explore his prospects in Mumbai, he threw his hands in the air. You have your whole life to do this. Why now?

Her tantrum had only increased her feelings for him. In fact, she was extremely excited. No one had ever fought for his time or given him as much attention as he did. His passionate desire for her, although mixed with possessiveness, was irresistible. It would soon be a memory they would laugh about. It would only be a matter of days before she received an affirmative reminder and everything would be glorious, just as she had imagined.

She looks for the numbers on the list of local talent agencies that an acquaintance gave her. Surely she has nothing to lose by shopping for agencies over the next few days. Hopefully she will find a contract good enough to end the one she has with the Chennai agency. This would put an end to the gratuity they enjoy at his expense, by charging him a 20 percent commission on his fees. She would show them that she could do better.

Meera begins contacting the agencies on her checklist, hoping that every day would be like today, a silent affirmation of her decision.

Have you modeled for fashion designers? We only invest our time in campaign shoots. You have the makings of a model, which is why we're talking about it now. We are picky about putting together our list. We recently sent our models for the HoneyCave Cosmetics shoot in Dubai. We will charge a 30 percent commission on all your projects. We are expensive only because we are efficient. We will negotiate the amount that suits you. Believe me, you will have so much work that you will have to refuse some of it! Our contracts

30 percent! Did they say 30 percent commission? The enthusiasm that had fueled his search for an agency faded a little. She had not expected the agencies to make big speeches with watertight contracts. What else did she forget in her decision to move to Mumbai? She needs to stop overthinking her choices. Tomorrow will be better. In addition, there are many agencies. She must be patient. It takes time to find a match.

We have a fabulous track record with a 99 percent success rate. What about the 1 percent? Sometimes artists retire, get married, stop working, refuse to honor their contracts, etc. The agent rattles off the names of famous clients he claims to have represented, but Meera doesn't know any of them.

I previously managed the renowned Swan agency. When I left, many of my role models followed me here. We have a big shoot coming up in South Africa. They are looking for a face like yours. We don't chase models or actors. After all, it's our name on the line. I'm sure you want to go to South Africa. Who wouldn't want to travel abroad?

Meera manages a polite smile as she grits her teeth at the officers' hubris.

She looks gloomily around the bustling cafeteria as her coffee cools on the table. This was all a bit difficult to digest. It might be better for her to hold off on signing up with someone new. At least she has her campaign booster to look forward to. Hopefully this will come to fruition and the talent agencies will then eat their hands.

Excerpted with permission from Take the number 2020, Puneet Sikka, Penguin India.




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