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Gujarat HC maintains OTT release of 'Maharaj' featuring Aamir Khan's son | Bollywood

Gujarat HC maintains OTT release of 'Maharaj' featuring Aamir Khan's son |  Bollywood


Ahmedabad, The Gujarat High Court has stayed the release of Bollywood star Aamir Khan's son Junaid's debut film 'Maharaj' on Netflix after followers of Pushtimarg, a Vaishnava sect of Hinduism, claimed that it would harm their religious feelings.

Gujarat HC maintains OTT release of 'Maharaj' featuring Aamir Khan's son
Gujarat HC maintains OTT release of 'Maharaj' featuring Aamir Khan's son

A single-judge bench of Justice Sangeeta Vishen on Thursday passed an order against the film which is scheduled to release on Netflix on Friday.

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The court also issued notices to the Centre, Netflix and Yash Raj Films, which produced the film, and posted the matter for further hearing on June 18.

Eight members of the Pushtimarg sect filed a petition against the release after discovering articles about the film, apparently based on the famous Maharaj libel case of 1862.

The petitioners claimed that their religious feelings would be “seriously hurt” if the film were allowed to be released, and that it would risk disrupting public order and inciting violence against the sect's followers.

Appearing for the petitioners, senior advocate Mihir Joshi argued that the film was based on the “1862 libel case”, which was heard and decided by British judges.

He added that reference was made to extracts from the court judgment containing scandalous and defamatory remarks, which affect the followers of the sect.

The petitioners pointed out that the then British court, which decided the defamation case, “castigates the Hindu religion and made seriously blasphemous comments against Lord Krishna as well as devotional songs and hymns”.

They also argued that the film sought to be released secretly, without a trailer or promotional events, to avoid any access to the script.

The petitioners further argued that if release of such a film is allowed, their religious sentiments would be seriously hurt and it would constitute an irreparable loss.

Earlier, the petitioners had contacted the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, requesting to take immediate steps to block the release of the film. However, there was no response or action from the ministry, it was said.

The petitioners claimed that the release of the film based on the 1862 Maharaj defamation case is likely to incite hatred and violence against the Pushtimarg sect, which would be in violation of the ethical code of tech rules information and self-regulation. Over the Top technology code.

A representation was also made in April to Yash Raj Films and Netflix by another trust for a private preview screening. But there was no response.

Senior advocate Joshi said the refusal had added to the apprehension of the petitioners and considering the secrecy maintained by the respondent filmmakers, an adverse inference could be drawn.

Given the reach of OTT platforms and their immediate worldwide distribution, it would be impossible to undo the damage caused by this distribution, the petitioners said.

The 1862 libel case centered on a clash between a Vaishnavite religious leader and a social reformer, Karsandas Mulji, who, in an article in a Gujarati weekly, had alleged that the god had had sexual liaisons with his devotees.

This article was generated from an automated news agency feed without modification to the text.




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