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From Bollywood to Hallyu-wood: is India officially under the spell of Korean films?

From Bollywood to Hallyu-wood: is India officially under the spell of Korean films?


Move over, Hollywood, there's a new player in town, and he speaks Korean. The appeal of Korean entertainment, affectionately known as Korean Wave or Hallyu, has spread across the world with the grace of a K-pop dance routine, and India is no exception.

Once dominated by Bollywood masala and Hollywood blockbusters, Indian cinema screens now light up with the sharp visuals and gripping narratives of Korean films.

India's love affair with Korean entertainment didn't start overnight. It began with the subtle infiltration of K-dramas, with their addictive plots and impeccable fashion sense, into Indian homes.

Platforms like Netflix and Viki facilitated this cultural exchange, and soon, shows like “Crash Landing on You” and “Itaewon Class” became as common in Indian living rooms as the smell of evening chai.

K-pop also played a big role. The synchronization of BTS, the infectious energy of BLACKPINK and the charm of many other groups have found legions of fans among Indian teenagers and young adults. Fan clubs proliferated, merchandise sold out, and before long, K-pop was no longer an exotic import but a local craze.

No discussion of the Korean Wave is complete without mentioning the Covid-19 pandemic. The quarantine period has significantly expanded the reach of Korean films among Indian audiences.

Cinematographer Ritika Singh, a graduate of LV Prasad College of Media Studies, said, “Until a few years ago, the only people who talked about Korean films were ardent movie buffs. »

Sanjeev Kumar Bijli, Executive Director, PVR Inox, highlighted the growing preference of Indian moviegoers for independent and foreign language films. “From captivating Japanese cartoons to gripping Korean dramas, we are committed to bringing diverse content to India, engaging audiences with unique storytelling experiences,” he said.

The jump to the big screen

As the demand for all things Korean grew, it was only a matter of time before Korean films started gracing Indian cinemas. Indian audiences, always hungry for new content, found Korean films to be a delightful offering.

Ritika, who also happens to be a full-time movie buff, said, “It was actually quite amazing to see the recognition Korean cinema was receiving. We went from zero/very few releases to people now waiting for Korean films to come out in theaters, going to watch them and recommending others to watch them too.

The often dark and intense storylines, combined with top-notch cinematography and stellar acting, offered a refreshing change from the often formulaic approach of traditional Indian cinema. Sanjeev Kumar Bijli said, “As the K-culture phenomenon grows in India, especially among the youth, we are excited to support this community by making this content accessible in cinemas across the country. »

Two films marking this cultural intersection are “Exhuma” and “The Childe”. Their release in major Indian theaters is a testament not only to the growing influence of Korean cinema, but also to the changing tastes of Indian audiences.

However, they are not the pioneers of this trend. Films like “Parasite” and “Train to Busan” led the way, introducing Korean cinema to the world stage, including in India. Tanisha, a Korean movie enthusiast, says, “The first Korean movie I ever watched was “Train to Busan,” which was a big hit. And then we had Bong Joon-ho’s Academy Award-winning “Parasite.”

Tanisha further recalls, “When 'Parasite' won at the Oscars, there wasn't a single person in my group who didn't watch it. It almost became the new trend, much like 'Squid Game'.”

So, what makes Korean films so appealing to Indian audiences? The reasons are multiple.

Korean filmmakers are masters of storytelling. Their ability to weave complex narratives with rich character development and unexpected twists keeps viewers hooked. Aparna Pillai, a primary school teacher, says: “Korean films are different. They are different from everyday Bollywood and Hollywood films. If you take 'The Childe' for example, then it had a strong Patrick Bateman vibe but with the energy of a Bollywood film.”

Despite the geographical distance, there are surprising cultural parallels between Korea and India, family values, societal pressures and the pursuit of dreams against all odds.

These shared themes create a feeling of familiarity and connection. Vilesh R, who recently watched 'Exhuma' in theaters, said, “These films deal with many themes. They are not limited to action or romance.”

Sanjeev then mentioned Celine Song's Oscar-nominated film 'Past Lives' and said, “We have presented highly acclaimed Korean films like 'Past Lives' and 'Parasite.' The bilingual film “Past Lives” was a great success and even received an Oscar nomination.”

The technical excellence of Korean films, stunning cinematography, meticulous sets and impeccable soundtracks, add a layer of sophistication that Indian audiences appreciate.

Korean cinema often explores themes and genres that are underrepresented in Indian films. From intense psychological thrillers to poignant coming-of-age stories, they bring a fresh perspective that is much appreciated by Indian viewers.

The road ahead

The success of films like “Exhuma” and “The Childe” in India is just the beginning. As streaming platforms continue to promote Korean content and the fan base for Korean entertainment continues to grow, we can expect to see more Korean films in Indian cinemas.

Sanjeev Bijli then spoke about how the Korean film scene is growing in India. “Korean films are currently enjoying significant success at the box office, with audience ratings of 40 percent, high occupancy rates and strong audiences,” he said.

Asked how the growing popularity of Korean films or shows came about, Ritiika Singh, cinematographer, said, “I think post Covid and the rise of OTT, it gave people a space to explore many genres and languages ​​of films, Korean. cinema is one of them.

This cultural exchange enriches the Indian and Korean film industries, fostering a global film community that transcends borders and languages.

In conclusion, the Korean wave is not just a passing trend; it's a veritable tsunami that is reshaping the Indian cinema scene. So grab your popcorn and your subtitles. Korean cinema is here to stay, and it will be an exciting journey.

Published by:

Trisha Bhattacharya

Published on:

June 15, 2024




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