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Actor Darshan's arrest in Renukaswamy murder case: Details of the case in which actor Pavithra Gowda is arrested

Actor Darshan's arrest in Renukaswamy murder case: Details of the case in which actor Pavithra Gowda is arrested


The gruesome murder of 33-year-old Renukaswamy, a devoted fan of Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, made national headlines. Renukaswamy was allegedly killed for making derogatory comments on social media against Kannada actress Pavithra Gowda, who is Darshan's close friend and alleged partner.

Police have so far arrested more than 15 people in connection with the murder, including Darshan, known as the 'Star of Challenge', and Pavithra Gowda. The investigation revealed a chilling conspiracy involving several prominent personalities of the Darshan fans association.


Renukaswamy, a resident of Lakshmi Venkateswara Layout in Chitradurga, Karnataka, worked in a pharmacy. Recently married, his wife is now three months pregnant. Reports claim that Renukaswamy sent obscene messages to Pavithra Gowda, blaming her for a rift between Darshan and his wife, Vijayalakshmi. Additionally, he is accused of transmitting explicit images of himself to Gowda, boasting of his superiority over Darshan.


Outraged by Renukaswamy's actions, Pavithra reportedly sought help from her associates to take revenge. Raghavendra, president of the Darshan Fans Association in Chitradurga, was given the task of locating Renukaswamy.

On the afternoon of June 8, Raghavendra, on the pretext of introducing Renukaswamy to his idol, lured him from Chitradurga. Renukaswamy was transported in an Etios rental car to an impound lot in Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bengaluru, owned by Vinay, a hotelier and close associate of actor Darshan.


CCTV footage shows actor Darshan's Thar entering the shed around 7 pm and leaving at 3 am. Inside the shed, Darshan and Pavithra allegedly beat Renukaswamy brutally. Pavithra allegedly hit him with a slipper while Darshan used a belt until he lost consciousness. Accomplices then attacked him with sticks, rods and a wooden club, eventually throwing him against a wall, causing multiple fatal bone fractures. Renukaswamy succumbed to his injuries.


After Renukaswamy's death, Pavan, a house help, informed Darshan and took Rs 30 lakh in cash to handle the situation. Vinay then contacted a police sub-inspector (PSI), falsely reporting that the murder was due to a financial dispute.

Following the PSI's suggestion, Pradosh took Rs 30 lakh to track down Karthik and his team from Girinagar, who agreed to take responsibility and surrender for the crime. Pradosh initially gave them Rs 5 lakh, with the remaining amount promised after their trial. The defendants were assured that all legal expenses, including bail, would be covered.

The investigation continues as more details emerge about this shocking incident, shedding light on the dark underbelly of fandom and celebrity culture in the region.

Published by:

sahil sinha

Published on:

June 15, 2024




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