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Madhuri Dixit's husband Shriram Nene opens up about the biggest challenge in their marriage and says he never knew she was a superstar | Bollywood News

Madhuri Dixit's husband Shriram Nene opens up about the biggest challenge in their marriage and says he never knew she was a superstar |  Bollywood News


Dr Shriram Nene, husband of actor Madhuri Dixit, recently spoke at length about their marriage. Nene also explained how a good marriage can impact an individual's physical health. In a recent interview, Madhuri's husband revealed the biggest challenge they face in their relationship. While chatting with Ranveer Allahbadia, Nene was asked how different her life in America was before her marriage to the Bollywood superstar. He said: “It was different, you had your anonymity, your independence, and you were largely autonomous. In India, I have a culture, we have a lot of connections, so it's different.

When asked what it was like to marry a celebrity, Nene replied: “I don’t know her like that. She is my wife and my partner, and I encourage people to be who you always wanted to be and support people with you. We are partners in a marriage where we look out for each other forever. If you develop that kind of relationship, it doesn't matter what they did. I never knew her past and she never knew mine. We came from very different but similar worlds. Like Maharashtra sub-region, same type of language and context. None of us thought this would happen. I would say it's the most incredible thing in my life.

He added: “It doesn’t matter what you do in life when you find your soul mate. At the end of the day, what matters is your relationship and the fun you have together.

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Revealing the kind of challenges the couple faces in their marriage, Nene said: “Our main challenge is anonymity. We just wanted to put our pants on one leg at a time and behave like normal people. The happy part is that we both enjoy it. We are very grateful for everything.

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Praising his wife, the doctor said: “She is so down to earth and the way she treats everyone, including her fans, it's the same with me, we are all two very respectful. We try to be good people. And I think that should be the mantra for all of us. This will lead us to a better society. My children have adopted it and I am charmed to death.

During the same conversation, Dr. Nene highlighted the importance of a good marriage and its impact on physical health. Nene said: “A good marriage contributes to physical health 100%. Stress is one thing, but having not only a marriage but also a family, there is very good evidence that loneliness leads to a higher risk of death. In fact, they equate loneliness to smoking 15 cigarettes a day in terms of lifespan. The interesting thing is that loneliness has detrimental effects on your life. So if we expand the notion of whether it's a good marriage or a good relationship or a good family, it saves you.

Madhuri had also opened up about her marriage in a video shared on Dr Nene's YouTube channel. She said: “We always had this partnership where we looked after each other and made sure the children were always looked after and loved. There are times when it's hard, but there are times when we know that everything we do in life is for good and that it's something we both want.

In the same conversation, Nene called Madhuri a “supportive spouse.” He said: “Having a supportive spouse like this, who loves you and cares about you no matter what, is essential to the journey. We both have very challenging careers.

Madhuri Dixit married Shriram Nene in October 1999. They have two sons: Arin and Ryan Nene.

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