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Joe Biden taps Hollywood orbit for $28 million fundraiser

Joe Biden taps Hollywood orbit for $28 million fundraiser



Joe Biden raised $28 million ahead of a star-studded fundraiser Saturday, campaign officials told CNN, as the president leans on his Hollywood friends to help him boost his $500 million treasury. field warfare.

The president's event in Los Angeles, featuring former President Barack Obama, George Clooney and Julia Roberts, marks the campaign's latest effort to harness celebrity appeal to help Biden win a second term in the White House . Los Angeles fundraiser sets new record for Democrats, raising more than an event at Radio City Music Hall in March that Biden campaign officials say brought in the largest haul ever left.

The Biden campaign held a contest for small donors to win a chance to attend the Saturday fundraiser and meet Biden, Obama, Roberts and Clooney, all of whom sent emails or text messages encouraging their supporters to contribute . possibility of following the event virtually with a donation of $20 or more.

When you come up with an event like this, a concept like this, you know it's going to be big. You know it's going to be exciting. You know it's going to attract a lot of attention. That's going to raise a lot of money, said Rufus Gifford, finance chairman for the Biden campaign. This one exceeded all our expectations.

It also comes as the campaign tries to maintain its financial advantage over former President Donald Trump, who has made significant gains in his fundraising since securing the Republican nomination for president. The Trump campaign said it saw a huge increase in donations in the 24 hours after his conviction in the hush money criminal trial, bringing in $53 million.

Late night host Jimmy Kimmel will host a conversation with Biden and Obama on Saturday at the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Other celebrities, including Jason Bateman, Jack Black, Kathryn Hahn and Sheryl Lee Ralph, are also expected to appear on the evening's lineup. , said a campaign official.

Tickets for the Tinseltown event ranged from $250 to $500,000, with special access reserved for those purchasing tickets in the higher ranges, according to an invitation seen by CNN. Those who donate $500,000 enter the event chair category, which includes four front-row tickets, a photo with Biden and Obama, attendance at a special reception with both presidents and tickets to the after-party .

The event is modeled after a high-profile fundraiser bringing together Biden, Obama and former President Bill Clinton in New York, which raised more than $26 million. Biden is expected to appear at a fundraiser with Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Virginia on Tuesday.

In addition to attracting large sums of money, the Biden campaign hopes Saturday's event will amount to a show of force from the entertainment industry.

This Saturday, we will see record and unprecedented turnout across the media and entertainment world, Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Biden campaign co-chair who played a major role in Saturday's fundraising, said in a statement. The enthusiasm and commitment for Biden/Harris could not be stronger. We all understand that this is the most important election of our lifetimes.

Bidens advisers have already worked to harness the power of high-profile stars to help him get his campaign message across. Robert De Niro narrated a campaign ad and the longtime Trump critic spoke at a news conference outside the former president's criminal trial in New York last month.

Jane Fonda joined first lady Jill Biden for an event in Reno, Nevada, on Friday aimed at mobilizing senior voters. Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue, hosted a fundraiser for the Biden campaign in London this week and helped organize the three presidents' fundraiser in New York in March.

Biden advisers plan to roll out more endorsements and find ways for celebrities to engage with voters as Election Day approaches. But many in Hollywood are hesitant to jump into the political fray in a highly divisive political landscape, sources have previously told CNN.

The conflict in Gaza is one of the issues that divides Hollywood. War dominated Biden's glitzy Radio City Music Hall fundraiser in March with protesters outside and inside the venue.

The Los Angeles fundraiser comes as Biden seeks to increase his campaign war chest as Trump narrows the financial gap. Biden led Trump in fundraising for most of the year, but the former president has seen a significant influx of cash since securing the Republican nomination in March. Trump surpassed Biden for the first time in April.

The Trump campaign and its affiliated committees reported bringing in $141 million in May, including $53 million in the 24 hours following his historic conviction in his secret criminal trial. The Trump operation has not yet announced its cash flow for the month.

Biden has not disclosed his fundraising for May, but his campaign and affiliated committees entered last month with $192 million in cash on hand.

This story has been updated with additional information.




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