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Hollywood and Bollywood playlist dedicated to dad

Hollywood and Bollywood playlist dedicated to dad


As Father's Day approaches, you are planning to make it more special for your father. From the perfect cake to the decorations that show him how special he is, you've got it covered. Or maybe you also plan to dedicate a song to him, to convey your emotions. If you're not sure which song would best suit the occasion, fear not!

This article is here to guide you in selecting the perfect Father's Day 2024 song that will truly honor your father and make him feel loved and appreciated. This guide is the sum of the best English and Hindi songs that showcase the pure emotions of parents and children in an amazing way.

1. Dad, come get me:

This song was released in 1981 with vocals by Dolly Parton. This song tells the story of a woman stuck in a psychiatric hospital. In this song, the woman expresses how her husband is conspiring against her and asks her father to save her. This song tells us that no matter how old you are, you still need your father.

2. Mr. Mom:

It is a song not only for fathers but for all parents who constantly work hard and sacrifice for their children. Dolly Parton, the singer of this song, admires the way a stay-at-home father raises his children while his wife works far away.

3. “How sweet it is (to be loved by you):

James Taylor sang this song. This song beautifully expresses the feeling of being loved by a great father and loving him equally. Every time you listen to this song, it hits the notes perfectly and fills you with that emotion over and over again.

4. Unforgettable:

Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole sang this song. The funny thing is that this duo is a real father-daughter. Originally, this song was performed with the voice of Nat King Cole. Years later, he recorded this song as a duet and produced it.

5. They don't make them like my dad:

Loretta Lynn sang this song. In this song, she describes her father as “one hell of a man who worked for what he got.” In other words, she views her father as a hardworking man who earned everything he had. Through this song, she beautifully highlights the feeling many of us share that fathers like him are rare these days.

6. Color the father:

The Winstons, a musical group, released their first musical album. This song is part of this music album. It is the story of a young boy expressing his love for his stepfather. The boy describes his stepfather as a strong man who took on the role of father to him and his six siblings after his father died in the war. The album was a success, especially this song. It touched many people and hurt feelings because it was released during the Vietnam War.

7. The butterfly flies away:

This song is part of a movie called Hannah Montana: The Movie. This movie is based on Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray Cyrus (her father). The two have never stopped discussing their relationship, especially since Billy opened the door to Miley's music career. Miley Cyrus provided the vocals for this song and expressed her emotion beautifully. In this song, she talks about everything her father did for her when she was little, like putting her to bed and turning off the lights.

8. Papa Kehte Hain (Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak-1988):

Udit Narayan has given his voice to this song, which features Aamir Khan. This song highlights the relationship between a father and his teenage son. The song is still popular and relevant. If you don't like very emotional songs, you can dedicate this one to it. This song always conveys your emotions to your father.

9. I Love You Dad (Akele Hum Akele Tum-1995):

The fun fact about this song is that the real father-son duo (Udit Narayan and Aditya Narayan) have sung this song. You could dedicate this lovely heartfelt song to your father on Father's Day. The captivating melody is filled with feelings that any father and son can relate to.

10. Ô Mere Papa Le Grand (Papa Le Grand-2000):

Another soulful song sung by a real father-son duo (Udit Narayan and Aditya Narayan). It is a touching song that talks about a child's love and appreciation for his father and has simple lyrics.

11. Papa Ki Pari (First Main Ki Diwani Hoon-2003):

Sunidhi Chauhan has given her voice to this song. This song is not filled with heavy emotions but it is a catchy song. This song is filmed from a girl's perspective and showcases a beautiful relationship between father and daughter.

12. Papa Mere Papa (Main Aisa Hi Hoon-2005):

One of the moving songs and every time I listen to this song it brings tears to my eyes. Sonu Nigam, Baby Archana and Shreya Ghoshal have collectively sung this song. Even though this song was filmed from a young girl's perspective, this song touched every adult's soft spot.

13. Meri Duniya Tu Hi Re (Heyy Babyy-2007):

This moving song conveys the delicate and everlasting relationship between a father and his little daughter while making you feel good. Sonu Nigam and Shankar Mahadevan sang this heartfelt song.

These Father's Day songs beautifully express the love and care we have for our dads. The lyrics of these moving songs truly represent our emotions towards our fathers. So, may these songs remind us of the unique bond we have with our fathers as we celebrate Father's Day. Why not listen to these songs and let the music express how much you appreciate your father? After all, songs can sometimes express emotions that words alone can't express.




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