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Hollywood Teamsters exchange proposals as first week of contract negotiations concludes

Hollywood Teamsters exchange proposals as first week of contract negotiations concludes


Hollywood Teamsters 399 has concluded its first week of contract negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, as it bargains alongside Basic Crafts unions for the first time.

In a memo sent to members, Teamsters indicates that it has exchanged proposals with the AMPTP regarding both the Black Book agreement and its rental manager agreement. Rank-and-file members of the union from its steering committees were also present at the negotiations.

In a statement, Teamsters 399 President Lindsey Dougherty noted that another major topic of discussions with AMPTP was the California Film and Television Tax Incentive Program.

While productions in Los Angeles and throughout California are significantly behind both the levels seen in the state before last year's strikes and current production levels in other major cities locations like Atlanta and New York, Dougherty says Hollywood unions are united behind the push for a stronger tax incentive package to encourage studios to keep shoots in Los Angeles.

It is our members and their stories that impact this important middle-class job creation program. An incentive program that ultimately employers also benefit from, Dougherty said.

But while Teamsters 399 is ready and willing to work with Hollywood studios to lobby legislators in Sacramento for a larger tax incentive package, Dougherty has made it clear that increasing the work here in the State will not be achieved by making concessions on behalf of our members throughout the process. these negotiations.

Our proposals shared this week reflect the marching orders of our members and are centered on the respect and parity that our members have long deserved for their skills, expertise and contribution to this industry, she added.

Along with wage and health and pension increases demanded by all of Hollywood's unions, Teamsters 399 is also seeking minimum staffing requirements for drivers and protections against the use of autonomous vehicles for the productions.

Collectively, the Teamsters and Basic Crafts represent 7,600 entertainment workers, including drivers, dispatchers, electricians, caterers, laborers, cement masons, plumbers, animal handlers and casting directors, among others. others. Other basic trades unions include International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 40, Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA!) Local 724, Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA!) Local 78, the United Association of Plumbers (UA) and the International Association of Plasterers and Cement Masons (OPCMIA) Local 755.

The Teamsters' current contract is set to expire on July 31, the same day that the current contract for Hollywood's rank-and-file union, IATSE, is set to expire. Both unions have publicly refused to extend the date and IATSE has yet to reach an agreement with AMPTP after three months of negotiations, with wages seen by insiders as a major sticking point. Talks between IATSE and AMPTP are expected to resume on June 24.

New York Times




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