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This actor started his career on television and then moved to Bollywood

This actor started his career on television and then moved to Bollywood


This actor started his career on television, then became a Bollywood star

Mysterious death raises questions about industry

Today we are going to talk about an actor who started his career on television. This actor later rose to fame in Bollywood with his brilliant acting, but his suicide brought suspicion to the film industry.

This actor started his career on television and then became a Bollywood star, a mysterious death has raised questions about the industry.

There are many Bollywood actors who have made a place for themselves in the industry through their work and hard work. At the same time, many artists belong to Bihar and have gained an important position in the film industry. This list includes pankaj tripathi to Manoj Bajpayee. At the same time, today we are going to talk about an actor who started in the world of television and later impressed people a lot with his acting in Bollywood. However, this actor committed suicide, which shocked everyone.

Actually, we are talking about actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Today is the fourth death anniversary of Sushant Singh Rajput. The actor died on June 14, 2020. The actor's death shocked everyone. So let's get to know Sushant Singh Rajput's Bollywood journey.

Sushant Singh Rajput was born on January 21, 1986 in Patna, Bihar. After completing his studies, Sushant took admission in an engineering college. The actor had said in an interview that he was not much interested in engineering, but wanted to become an astronaut. He thought of taking action after seeing Shahrukh Khan. After that, he abandoned his engineering studies and turned to theater.

It was her journey to Bollywood

After leaving engineering, Sushant reached Mumbai, where he worked in theatre. After that, he started as a television actor. Sushant worked in ekta Kapoor's TV show Kis Desh Mein Hai Mera dil Se. After that, he worked in Pavitra Rishta. In this show, the actor played the role of Manav. Ankita Lokhande was seen with him in the show. Let us tell you that while entering the world of acting, Sushant also worked as a background dancer. After this, Sushant entered Bollywood. He debuted in Bollywood with the film Kai Po Che. This film was a good success. After that, he worked in films like Shuddh Desi Romance, Detective Byomkesh Bakshi, Kedarnath, Raabta, PK and Mahendra Singh Dhoni. Sushant received the Filmfare Award for Best Actor for Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

Sushant dated Ankita Lokhande

Talking about the actor's personal life, he was in a relationship with Ankita Lokhande during the TV show Pavitra Rishta. Their relationship lasted a long time. However, due to some reasons, they both separated.

Sushant's death raises questions about the industry

After this, the actor dated Rhea Chakraborty. Meanwhile, the actor was found dead in his Bandra apartment on June 14, 2020 at the age of 34. The actor then suffered from depression. The Mumbai Police had cited depression as the reason for his suicide. But his family members said it was murder, which is why the case was transferred to the CBI. At the same time, a case was filed against the actor's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty for abetment of suicide and money laundering. The actress was also imprisoned in this case. However, according to the All India Institute of Medical Science, Sushant had committed suicide. At the same time, the actor's family is still demanding justice. At the same time, the actor's death still remains a mystery for fans.




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