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When Mahesh Babu talked about doing Bollywood films, saying they can't afford me

When Mahesh Babu talked about doing Bollywood films, saying they can't afford me


Mahesh Babu – the superstar, needs no introduction. He is one of the most famous actors in the Telugu industry. Mahesh Babus's movie choices have always been unique, be it action, comedy, thriller or drama films.

He has always proven his worth and offered his die-hard fans an unforgettable experience on the big screen. After gaining so much fame and name, Mahesh Babus fans now want the actor to venture into Bollywood.

But do you know that Mahesh Babu stunned everyone when he reacted to a question about making Hindi films? He made heads turn by saying that Bollywood wouldn't be able to afford it.

Mahesh Babu spoke about his work in Bollywood films

In 2022, Mahesh Babu sparked controversy when he reacted to a question about working in Bollywood films. He said, “I may sound arrogant, but I have received a lot of offers in Hindi. But I don't think they can afford to pay me. I don't want to waste my time.

Moreover, the Srimanthudu actor spoke about receiving many Hindi film offers. However, the love, respect and fame he gets in the Telugu industry never made him want to venture into any other industry.

Later, according to a report in Indian Express, Mahesh Babu clarified his controversial remarks and said, “I always wanted to do Telugu films. And I always wanted Telugu films to succeed across the country. I am convinced that why should we move to another industry and leave ours behind?


I am very happy that our films are reaching there (north India). Our films are doing well at the pan-India level and my dream is coming true, he added.

Mahesh Babu on the work front

Meanwhile, Mahesh Babu was last seen on the work front in the action film Guntur Kaaram, directed by Trivikram Srinivas and released on January 12 this year. The film featured an ensemble cast including important roles from Mahesh Babu, Sreeleela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Prakash Raj, Ramya Krishna, Jayaram, Jagapathi Babu, Rao Ramesh and many others.

The Maharshi actor is all set to collaborate with renowned filmmaker SS Rajamouli for an ambitious project that promises to be a visual extravaganza for ardent Mahesh Babu fans.

The upcoming film, tentatively titled SSMB 29, is expected to be a large-scale forest adventure drama. According to reports, Mahesh's character will be inspired by Lord Hanuman from Hindu mythology.

Early sources claim that SS Rajamouli's film, tentatively titled SSMB 29, is likely to be called Maharaja. Meanwhile, no official confirmation or announcement has been made regarding this.

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