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Has season 4 of The Boys changed actors?

Has season 4 of The Boys changed actors?


Amazon Prime Video fans The boys Speculated actor Laz Alonso was recast for season 4 due to his significant change in appearance.

For season 4, The boys brought back its familiar cast of Supe killer vigilantes, including the iconic Marvin T. Milk, aka Mother's Milk.

The elegant and intelligent Mother's Milk (MM) is often considered the heart of the team due to her great wisdom. Much of his saga in The boys relates to his family after his grandfather was killed by a Supe, starting his Vought vendetta.

Was breast milk recast in The Boys?

Many fans were confused before the recent season 4 premiere of The boysas Mother's Milk has a different look than when he was last seen.

Not only has MM ditched his usual thick beard in favor of a stylish mustache, but he also appears much slimmer than in previous seasons.

The Boys, Mothers Milk, Season 4, Season 4
Amazon Prime Video

The sudden change in appearance sparked speculation The boys The veteran was recast for the new season, but that's not the case. 50-year-old American actor Laz Alonso is still playing Mother's Milk in season 4, as he has in all his previous outings.

Alonso underwent a major weight loss transformation – as well as a shave – between the end of production on Season 3 in September 2021 and the start of filming on Season 4 in August 2022.

The actor commented on his transformation in response to a fan on Instagram congratulating him on his weight loss, saying: “I had to cut it, family! I got carried away [with] too much pizza.”

[ Laz Alonso’s Weight Loss: The Boys Actor Reveals Why He’s ‘Trimming Down’ ]

Most esteemed The boys Season 4 takes place approximately six months after the events of Season 3. During this time, Mother's Milk probably put a lot of effort into his diet and fitness, just like Alonso himself.

What's next for breast milk in The Boys?

The famous wise figure of Mother's Milk is now at the helm The boys in their crusade against Vought, Homelander and the Supes of the world. This new role will undoubtedly make Season 4 the biggest series yet for Laz Alonso's Supe-hunter, with more screen time and greater involvement in the story.

Perhaps this greater role in The boys Season 4 may have motivated Laz Alonso on his fitness journey to be in the best shape yet. Hopefully, the actor – who has proven to be a fan favorite – will get the chance to show off his hard work in season 4 with plenty of action and fight scenes.

Many have speculated that Billy Butcher could become the ultimate threat to The boys to close the series after Homelander's defeat. If the superhero series were to go in this direction, Mother's Milk could become an even more important character as she paves the way for the downfall of an old ally turned enemy.

The boys is streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The first three episodes of season 4 are now streaming and new episodes will air every Thursday.

Read more about The Boys on The Direct:

The new Black Noir from season 4 of The Boys: who he is, explained

Cast, characters and actors of season 4 of The Boys (Photos)

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