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Quentin Tarantino interviews Robert De Niro about 'Jackie Brown' and more

Quentin Tarantino interviews Robert De Niro about 'Jackie Brown' and more


This year's Tribeca Film Festival kicked off its De Niro Con celebration in honor of its iconic co-founder, and one of the first big events included a lively discussion with verbal odd couple, Quentin Tarantino and Robert De Niro .

The event began Friday afternoon with the screening of “Jackie Brown,” Tarantino’s third feature film released in 1997, via a beautiful 35mm print loaned by Martin Scorsese. De Niro has a key supporting role as the recently imprisoned Louis Gara, a man of few words with an ability to quickly conjure violence.

Tarantino, a particularly keen movie buff, peppered De Niro, a man of few words, with questions during their 40-minute post-film chat, starting with the actor's ability to bring comedy to “Jackie Brown.” . Tarantino praised De Niro's portrayal of the “slow” ex-convict – senses dulled by a post-prison daze and frequent bong hits during the film.

“I've watched the movie with a lot of different audiences and they always react so much to how disturbed and high you are when they're trying to talk, when they're having the whole meeting about exchanging money,” says Tarantino. “You get caught in the phone cord and you realize there was a comedy scene going on right inside. You played it as a comedian. I think it was a situation where you just said, “Oh, I can do a little more here.” I can have my own little part while they tell the story.'

Yet De Niro's comedic talents haven't always worked with every director. Tarantino asked the actor about other roles during his career, including the never-produced '70s film “Bogart Slept Here.” Although the storyline was reconfigured into the 1977 film “The Goodbye Girl,” which earned star Richard Dreyfuss an Oscar, De Niro starred in the earlier version and began filming. The director at the time, Mike Nichols, did not find the actor suitable for comedy and ultimately fired him.

“I blame myself,” De Niro said. “I didn’t know certain things. It was a certain type of comedy – Neil Simon – that had timing that would be a certain way… It just didn't work. I filmed for about two weeks. It was the worst… You know, I've had this experience with a director maybe three times in my life. You can't make them happy and they're not happy and you kind of feel it. So that was one of them.

De Niro said he later met Nichols at a dinner. The director apologized, to which De Niro responded: “I'm fine. I did well. No problem.”

De Niro Con is scheduled to continue this weekend with other screenings of films including “The Godfather II,” “Analyze This,” “Silver Linings Playbook,” “Goodfellas” and “The Deer Hunter.”




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