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Actor Stanley Kubrick was considered “the best in Hollywood”

Actor Stanley Kubrick was considered “the best in Hollywood”


There are a handful of directors who have been universally acclaimed throughout the history of cinema, and one of them is undoubtedly Stanley Kubrick. The iconic filmmaker is, with great ease, one of the most famous authors of all time, having directed some of the greatest films.

Kubrick's catalog contains countless masterpieces across a wide range of genres. Of its historical epic Spartacus to his science fiction masterpiece 2001: A Space Odysseybased on his details about the Vietnam War Full Metal Jacket to her erotic exploration Eyes wide closedKubrick always showed his genius behind the camera.

As one of the greatest directors of all time, it was only natural that Kubrick would work with some of the best actors to ever work on film. It could perhaps be argued that, of every figure who has appeared in a Kubrick film, none possessed the cultural status of Jack Nicholson, who played the lead role in Kubick's 1980 horror film. The shiny.

Playing Jack Torrance, a recovering alcoholic who takes a seasonal job at the Overlook Hotel as a caretaker, only to slowly descend into madness, Nicholson delivered one of his greatest performances of all time. He was based on the same character from Stephen King's novel of the same name, which the film itself was inspired by.

In an interview with Michel Ciment, Kubrick once spoke about his impression of Nicholson and note, I believe Jack is one of the best actors in Hollywood. The director then compared Nicholson to the biggest stars of the past, including Spencer Tracy and James Cagney, two equal Hollywood icons.

In fact, Kubrick felt that in any role that suited Nicholson, he probably would have been almost everyone's first choice. Throughout his career, Nicholson has played a wide range of characters. For example, he played a mental institution patient who was both enthusiastic and sane in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nesta misanthropic novelist with OCD As good as it gets and a stoned conspiracy theorist EasyRider.

Elsewhere, he had performed as a reluctant piano prodigy in Five easy piecesThe Joker in 1989 Batman and an Irish mob boss from Boston The dead, proving his versatility and acting talent. With all of this in mind, it's no surprise that Nicholson has three Oscars under his belt and has thus earned the admiration of Stanley Kubrick.

His work is always interesting, clearly designed and has the magic of the X factor, the director exclaimed. Jack is particularly suited to roles that require intelligence. He is an intelligent and educated man, and these are qualities that are almost impossible to implement. In The brilliant, you believe he is a writer, failed or not.

Indeed, Nicholson often conveyed a striking sense of credibility in the many excellent performances he gave, so much so that, despite the frequent number of roles he took on, it is easy to forget that it is Jack Nicholson, the actor, who is playing Jack Torrance, Randle McMurphy or Frank Costello.

Kubrick knew he had the right man to play Jack. The shiny, and Nicholson elevated the protagonist of Stephen King's classic horror novel to fearsome new heights. By showering the character with a frenzied sense of madness and unease, Nicholson gave one of the best performances in horror cinema.

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