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The Charlottesville Fae Festival brings together a medieval market, pirate shows and eerie workshops at Ix Art Park

The Charlottesville Fae Festival brings together a medieval market, pirate shows and eerie workshops at Ix Art Park


If you haven't found the right time to put on your angel wings, elf ears or fairy dress in a while, at least since your boss told you to rest, the Saturday Fae Festival at Charlottesvilles Ix Art Park offers you the opportunity to adorn yourself. proudly.

Fae Festival in Ix

Visitors are not only allowed to attend the Charlottesville Fae Festival in costume, they are encouraged.


People should definitely come in costume, Ewa Harr, executive director of the Ix Art Park Foundation, told the Daily Progress. If you don't have anything around the house that looks right, most of the Medieval Market's 60 vendors will be able to help you. People can buy all kinds of costumes and ornaments, Harr said.

The third annual event, a popular urban version of a Renaissance fair, will take place from 3 to 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. And if you come for the costumes, plan to stay for the hawks; Raptor Hill Falconry will be there from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday.

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Saturday's music schedule includes harpist Vicky Lee at 3 p.m., An Lar at 4:30 p.m. and Jim Gagnon at 7 p.m. Sunday musicians include Matthew O'Donnell at 10 a.m., Melissa Cox at 1:30 p.m. and Anamara at 4 p.m. second stage, Thunder and Spice will perform throughout the weekend and Pirates of Piedmont will present a pirate musical show at 4 p.m. Saturday.

Performing artists will also include Dollz Entertainment, Richmond Faerie Federation and Goblin Embassy, ​​Cumulus Dance, Isenfir Shire of the Society for Creative Anachronism and Bad Hat Fire Troupe and Rusty Iris. Freckles N Friends will be there on Sunday creating balloon art.

There is still time to register for a variety of workshops and demonstrations. Register in advance to beautify your locks with Finklepotts Fairy Hair. Thistlerock Mead Company will present The World of Mead & Honey at 11 a.m. Sunday, giving guests ages 21 and older the opportunity to learn about sustainable mead production and the rare varieties of honey behind this centuries-old drink.

Brit Austin Art will host drawing sessions at 5pm on Saturday and 11am on Sunday where people of all levels of artistic experience can learn how to draw the fae themselves, from special guest models. Deusdetritus will teach visitors the basics of gel printing.

Fae Festival 06/17/22

Poppy Jones performs with bubbles at the Fae Festival at Charlottesvilles Ix Art Park on Friday, June 17, 2022.


Lauren Stangil Illustrations will present Carving Wooden Mushrooms and Gnomes with Justin Thisdell at 6 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. Sunday, during which Thisdell will demonstrate how he carves the wooden figures and share techniques and tool tips.

In the artists' tent, Art of G Terado will create a live painting of a diwata, a mythological being from Philippine folklore whose name translates to muse, fairy or enchantress. Third Branch Leather will showcase wet molding techniques to create one-of-a-kind masks and other leather items. Maddy Wilson Art will demonstrate the art of needle felting, and Art by Blossoms will give visitors the opportunity to experience synaesthetic vocal painting.

Food vendors will also be present both days. Artisan will feature candles, crystals, woodworking, ceramics and more.

It's a very busy weekend, Harr said.

Visitors can choose admission tickets that include both the outdoor festival and Looking Glass, the Art Parks indoor immersive art museum, or the festival alone. There is also a weekend pass option that covers both days of daydreaming and revelry. If you are 12 years old or younger, you will be welcomed for free in both contexts.




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