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Not Parveen Babi, Zeenat, Sharmila, Neetu, the only Bollywood actress to attend Amitabh Bachchan-Jaya's wedding was…

Not Parveen Babi, Zeenat, Sharmila, Neetu, the only Bollywood actress to attend Amitabh Bachchan-Jaya's wedding was…


Read on to know who was the only actress from the Hindi film industry at Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan's small and intimate wedding in 1973.

On June 3, 1973, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan were married in a small, intimate ceremony at Jaya's godmother's house in Mumbai. The ceremony was held simply in the presence of family members, and only three people from the Hindi film industry attended the celebrations.

These included lyricist Gulzar, actor Asrani and actress Farida Jalal. Farida Jalal made this revelation in her recent interview, where she recalled how she acted as a third wheel when Amitabh and Jaya were dating. Speaking to Bollywood Bubble, the Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actress said, “They used to take me with them on their coffee dates at the Taj. They were about to get married and were on a courtship period. They argued like any other couple. I used to say, “Tum log mujhe kebab mein haddi bana kar kyun laate ho” (Why do you always bring me as a third wheel?) complain about ruining my sleep because I was a precocious child in bed.

“They would argue over stupid things, I can't reveal that. Jaya jaldi rooth bhi jaati hain (Jaya would get angry easily). Inka jhagda chal raha hai, woh royengi, ye manayenge (She would get angry and he would pacify her), and I witness all this, and I love it too because I like Jaya a lot, I call her Jiya Our friendship is quite old. They would have coffee or tea at the Taj and come back around 11 pm. .All I can say is they are lovely people The best thing for me is the fact that they called me for their wedding, I was there, Gulzar Bhai was there, Asrani Sahab was. There was no one else from the industry there,” she added.

Meanwhile, on the work front, Farida Jalal was recently seen in Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar. Created by Sanjay Leela Bhansali for Netflix, the period drama starred Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Sharmin Segal, Richa Chadha and Sanjeeda Shaikh in lead roles.

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