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Here's where you've seen EastEnders' Pastor Clayton actor before | Soaps

Here's where you've seen EastEnders' Pastor Clayton actor before |  Soaps


Pastor Clayton looks serious in EastEnders community center

Saddler has appeared in various roles (Picture: BBC)

Howard Saddler currently stars as creepy Pastor Clayton in EastEnders, but he has a host of other roles under his belt.

The sinister church leader, who made his debut in the BBC soap in December, was embroiled in a huge storyline which saw him sexually abuse beloved Albert Square stalwart Yolande Trueman ( Angela Wynter).

Upon meeting her at the community center, rumors began to circulate among parishioners who believed there was more to their relationship than initially thought.

Putting an end to the gossip, Yolande attacked the leader Agatha (Chloé Okora) and the pastor assured her that there was nothing to worry about.

But Clayton's true nature was later revealed when he locked Yolande in the community center storeroom and sexually assaulted her.

When she returned to Walford this week, she was dismayed to learn that Levi, the church official who was supposed to report him to the authorities, had left the area.

What did Pastor Clayton do to Yolande in EastEnders?

Pastor Clayton is inappropriate with Yolande in EastEnders

His behavior towards Yolande is revolting (Photo: BBC)

In stomach-churning scenes, Clayton pulled Yolande in for a hug but slowly moved his hands to the base of her back.

Yolande felt uncomfortable afterward, and in the scenes that followed, the pastor placed his hand on her thigh. When she questioned his motives, he implied she had misinterpreted the situation.

In an effort to punish Yolande for speaking out, Clayton enlisted his wife Stella to take over her responsibilities for their charity work, which devastated her given how much she was looking forward to hosting a fundraiser.

Yolande broke down in tears over what happened (Photo: BBC / Jack Barnes / Kieron McCarron)
Pastor Clayton sexually assaulted Yolande (Photo: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

Yolande then apologized and the pastor handed her over to organizing the fundraiser. But in devastating scenes, he locked Yolande in the community center storeroom and sexually assaulted her on the very day of the fundraiser, which it was poised to be a success.

The much-loved character broke down in tears and headed straight to the lauderette, where she confided in Elaine Peacock (Harriet Thorpe) about her ordeal, asking her to keep quiet.

Where have we seen actor Howard Saddler before?

Howard Saddler as Pastor Clayton in EastEnders

Howard has been playing Pastor Clayton since December (Photo: BBC)

Before he arrived in Walford, actor Howard Saddler was no stranger to our screens.

According to IMDb, his first credited role was as a paramedic in the ongoing ITV drama. Bill in 1993, returning to Sun Hill Police Station seven years later in a separate part.

He then appeared as DC Chambers in two series of the BBC children's soap Grange Hill in 1995.

Returning to children's television in 2001, he played a real estate agent in the supernatural series Ghost Hunter.

Stella and Pastor Clayton appear confused in EastEnders

Clayton appears to have escaped justice (Photo: BBC/Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron)

He also starred as Oliver in Ricky Gervais' hit comedy. Office.

Following this, he joined the cast of the much-missed Channel 5 show Family Affairs, which was set in the fictional London suburb of Charnam, appearing as Les Boulter for two years.

Throughout his career he has appeared in a number of soap operas, including Doctors and Holby City.

Has Howard Saddler ever appeared in EastEnders?

Howard Saddler, who plays Pastor Clayton, played Doctor Daniel Rodford in EastEnders

Howard played Dr Daniel Rodford in 2002 (Photo: BBC)

In December 2002, he made an appearance as a separate character, a far cry from his role as Gideon Clayton.

When Jamie Mitchell (Jack Ryder) was rushed to hospital after being hit by Martin Fowlers' (then James Alexandrou) car. It was Howard's character, Dr. Daniel Rodford, who treated him.

This turned out to be one of EastEnders' most memorable storylines, as the incident resulted in Jamie's death.

Having thought he was the father of Sonia Jackson's (Natalie Cassidy) daughter Rebecca, she was devastated to learn that she was in fact the daughter of Martin (whom Sonia had slept with before Jamie).

Despite their problems, the couple reconciled, but before they could marry, Martin plowed his car towards him outside Walford East tube station.

A devastated Sonia was at his bedside in hospital before his death.

Jamie's death has been spoken about by Martin in recent years, calling it the biggest mistake of his life.

EastEnders airs Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

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