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THE BOYS Season 4 tapped a prominent MCU actor to voice The Deep's octopus lover

THE BOYS Season 4 tapped a prominent MCU actor to voice The Deep's octopus lover


The first three episodes of The boys season 4 is now streaming on Prime Video, and the premiere sees the return of The Deep's (Chase Crawford) octopus lover, Ambrosius.

There's a sentence we never thought we'd write, but he's a… unique guy, our Kevin.

First introduced in the debauched season 3 episode “Herogasm”, Ambrosius secretly lives in Deep's apartment at Vought Tower. The Lord of the Seven Seas' superpowers allow him to communicate with his other cephalopod, and if you thought she looked familiar, that's because showrunner Eric Kripke brought in an A-list actor to play the character : Tilda Swinton (Doctor Strange, Avengers: Endgame).

“Once we decided Deep would have a regular chat with his octopus wife, we just wanted the tallest, classiest British Oscar-winning actress we could find.” Kripke tells EW. “It's a pretty short list. We didn't know Tilda. It's not like some of our other cameos where they're friends of friends and we contact them. We just contacted a rep and sent them the script . her eternal credit, her representative said: “She loves it, she finds it hilarious and she would love to do it.”

“Watching the classiest actress possible record the stupidest shit possible was one of the great professional days of my life,” he adds.

Swinton isn't the only guest star in season 4, so be sure to keep watching.

Did you recognize Ambrosius' voice? Did you enjoy season 4 of The boys so far? Leave us a comment below.

“The world is on the brink of collapse. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under the muscular thumb of Homelander, who consolidates his power”, reads the official synopsis for season 4.“Butcher, who has only months to live, has lost Becca's son and his position as leader of the Boys. The rest of the team has had enough of his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, They have to find a way to work together and let's save the world before it's too late.

Returning cast members include Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Jessie T. Usher, Laz Alonso, Chace Crawford, Tomer Capone, Karen Fukuhara, Colby Minifie, Claudia Doumit and Cameron Crovetti, plus new recruits Susan Heyward , Valorie Curry and Jeffrey Dean Morgan.

The first three episodes of The boys Season 4 will be available to stream starting June 13, with new installments every week until the season finale on July 18.




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