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Q&A Singer Jessica Carter Altman to Perform at Troubadour West Hollywood

Q&A Singer Jessica Carter Altman to Perform at Troubadour West Hollywood


Singer Jessica Carter Altman performs at the famed Troubadour, located at 9081 Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood, on Monday, June 17, 2024. In light of the recent release of her debut full-length album, Aftermath, the singer sat down with WeHo Moments to discuss his music. She shares her inspiration from Lana Del Rey and some musical advice close to her heart from her mother, a world-famous actress and singer. Lynda Carter. Aftermath was released today and is available for download on all music streaming platforms.


I discovered your singing with your mother at the Catalina Jazz Club when you sang together on stage. Did your mother give you any musical advice?

When we first sang together, she gave me a lot of advice. She always preached about being a storyteller on stage and really connecting with the story of the songs to connect with the audience. But since I truly began my own musical journey, starting with my first EP, she has given me the space to find my own voice and the space to succeed or fail on my own. She goes to as many shows as she can. I really couldn't ask for more.

Jessica Carter Altman and Lynda Carter performing at the Catalina Club Photo by Mike Pingel

When did you first get the bug to become a singer?

I grew up playing. I think I joined my first choir when I was in 1st grade. I took every opportunity I could, like joining a performance band or choir or being part of musical theater. It was always something I loved and something I wanted to do, but growing up in Washington, DC, it seemed a bit of a ridiculous dream. So, I just kept it there. It was a dream I always had, and when I graduated from high school, I went to college. I said to myself: OK, well, I did well in school, let me go to graduate school. My family, on my dad's side, they all went to law school and then went into business and academia. It was in law school that I began working professionally as a musician, and this dream that I had put off for so long came up, and I couldn't put that genie back in the bottle. So when I was in law school, I knew I wanted to become an artist and a musician and I just needed to know when and how.

When did you take the first step to pursue your dream?

After passing the bar exam, I went to Nashville, where I met my producer, and began this journey to realize my dream. Then four years ago, when my first EP came out, I decided it was time to put everything I had into it. It wasn't enough for me to divide my time between law, studio work or weekend touring. I really felt like if I wanted this dream to become my reality, I had to put everything I had into it. So that’s the decision I made four years ago. It's a terrible time for me because the world stopped, we had a global pandemic, and a lot of lives happened, but I'm so happy I took this leap of faith.

Aftermath is the compilation of the two EPs and some new songs. How does it feel to finish this incredible project?

I wanted to create an album of original music, and that was my goal. That this goal has been achieved is incredible in many ways. It's like the highlight of the last few years. There's a cathartic feeling about it because a lot of these songs contain some of the happiest and saddest elements of recent years. It also feels like a new beginning because now it's out in the world. I get to play him and tour with him, so it’s a nice closing of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Can you tell us more about what Aftermath means to you?

I have this vivid imagery of post-apocalyptic scenes. The worst has happened, you feel like your world is collapsing, what do you do after a profound change? You can have any reaction, but you have a choice. You can fall apart or rebuild yourself, and life goes on even if you feel like it shouldn't, so you have the power to create your own future the way you want. This is what Aftermath means to me.

You will now play The Troubadour in West Hollywood, where many famous musical groups got their start. How do you feel about going on stage?

I'll probably be a little nervous, but I'm so excited. It’s such an iconic place. The talent that has been produced there over the years is extraordinary. I feel so grateful for this opportunity and I'm so excited. I couldn't imagine a better place to celebrate the release of my album. The group I'm going to play with is made up of many Troubadour veterans. They are all incredible musicians and I just feel honored and excited. I hope to temper my nerves and just have fun, be in the moment, enjoy the crowd and put on a great show.

What is your approach to your musical profession? Now, do you write all your songs now and create the arrangements or and how is that done? How is this happening to you?

I really love collaboration in music. I think it's my favorite thing to do. I tend to be more focused and take more pleasure in the lyrics and melodies; These are my favorite things to work on. I love being able to write the lyrics, make them say exactly what I want them to say, and play around with that. So yes, that was definitely my goal.

Do you have a favorite song and is it the same song you like to perform on stage?

I think it's always changing, especially my favorite song to perform. For now, I have to say that I am very excited for the release of Flashback. We just made the video and I'm so excited for it to come out. The song is really fun. There will be another version of the song coming out this fall, which will be acoustic. It's just a fun song and I love it.

Another song I love is Clumsy, obviously because it relates to my marriage and falling in love with my husband, and it has a bit of self-deprecation in it because I'm inherently clumsy.

I also love Fake It, which was originally inspired by a law class at the University of Michigan. Being able to combine these two worlds is really cool. So it wasn't just one; I named three.

Who was your biggest musical inspiration.

I'm really inspired by Lana Del Rey. I think she's an extraordinary writer. She has this beautiful voice. I think Griff does some really cool things with his music. Taylor Swift is obviously an incredible songwriter and an incredible performer. One thing I like to do before performing is watch Roberta Flack videos. She is so captivating. When she performed, she was always in the moment, never singing a song the same way twice; it was purely driven by emotion and what she was feeling at the time, which is so cool. Just a magnificent performer. I always liked Eva Cassidy. His voice is just angelic. It's too difficult to choose just one. I feel inspired by all their work. There are so many incredible artists.

For upcoming concerts and music releases, follow Jessica Carter Altman on Instagram @jessica.carter.altman




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