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Poet Jorie Graham calls on Hollywood to resist censorship and distribute 'The Apprentice'

Poet Jorie Graham calls on Hollywood to resist censorship and distribute 'The Apprentice'


Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Jorie Graham, considered one of the most celebrated poets of America's postwar generation, today published a response to a New York Times article. opinion article by Michelle Goldberg which aired on Friday.

The Times article lamented that the rights of The apprenticea powerful film starring Jeremy Strong and Sebastian Stan that chronicles the Roy Cohn/Donald Trump relationship, has not yet been picked up for theatrical or streaming distribution in the United States and may therefore not be seen.

The film was well received last month when it premiered at Cannes.

“Unfortunately, you may not get a chance to see it anytime soon, at least in the US,” Goldberg wrote. “The distributors bought the rights to The apprentice in Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan and many other countries. But the filmmakers haven't yet made a deal to release it here, either in theaters or on streaming services.

Fear of the political consequences of distributing the film appears to be holding back any deal, as some experts noted in the Times article. Trump also threatened legal action.

Today, a dismayed Jorie Graham condemned the lack of support for the film and artistic vision in general at that time, calling it “terrifying, actually” in an X-rated post.

“Beyond the article, the extraordinary Jeremy Strong is about Hollywood's fear – and apparent refusal to distribute 'The Apprentice' – which otherwise has worldwide distribution,” Graham posted. “Is the censorship of artistic expression already beginning, as if a pre-internalization of the autocratic world threatened us? Is Hollywood giving up without even a fight, as much of Silicon Valley has done?

“Art is by definition a resistance, as much as a celebration and an initiation. Listen to this wise man and his wise choice of words: “I would say that Hollywood needs to remember the words of Shakespeare – that as storytellers, our job is to hold up the mirror to nature…and show the age and the very body of the human being. timing its shape and pressure.

“If we are afraid to hold the mirror up to nature and show the shape and pressure of the age and body of our time, then this is the beginning of the end of cinema as a valid and cultural element. we have fully entered. an era of decadence in our culture, which history shows us is the last stage before collapse.




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