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“Yellowjackets” has just called on this actor-director for season 3

“Yellowjackets” has just called on this actor-director for season 3


The big picture

  • Jennifer Morrison will direct an episode of
    Yellow jackets
    Season 3.
  • The third season of
    Yellow jackets
    will premiere in 2025.
  • Yellowjackets has received rave reviews and nominations for various awards for its compelling story.

Jennifer Morrisonknown for her role as Allison Cameron on the long-running Fox medical series Homeshould direct an episode of Yellow jackets. The third season of Yellow jackets is expected to premiere on Showtime sometime in 2025. The announcement must be exciting for fans of the thriller series, given Morrison's impressive resume as an actor and, more recently, a director.

It's unclear exactly which episode Morrison will star in. Yellow jacketsThe third season of. Season 2 ended in May 2023, leaving many fans wondering where exactly it will take place in the new episodes. Production began last month on the third season, with a video showing the cast and crew (among them, the returning Elijah Woodit's Walter). Apart from Morrison, the only other director known for Yellow jacketsThe third season of is Bart Nickersonone of the creators of the series alongside Ashley Lyle.

Aside from the surprise return of Wood's Walter, Yellow jackets the third season will see the return of Melanie Lynskey, Lexa Brajas, King Keeyah, Kevin Alves, Sophie ThatcherAnd Christine Ricci. Both seasons of the series received critical acclaim, with reviewers praising its complex story and sense of intrigue. Yellow jackets has also been nominated for numerous Primetime Emmy Awards, Hollywood Critics Association Awards and Writers Guild of America Awards.

What projects has Jennifer Morrison worked on?

In terms of acting, most will recognize Morrison for his work in Home Or Once upon a time. She recently performed opposite Justin Hartley in the final seasons of the NBC drama series, It's us. In film, Morrison has had supporting roles in projects such as Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Warrior, The reportAnd Bomb. Directing is a newer endeavor for Morrison, where she has overseen episodes of several recent, well-received shows. She directed several episodes of both seasons of the Peacock medical drama. Dr. Mort. Additionally, she directed the third episode of the first season of the popular HBO teen drama series, Euphoria. His film debut Dogs of the sun (in which she also starred) released in 2017 and is currently available to stream on Netflix.

Yellow jackets tells the past and present story of a women's soccer team whose plane crashed in Canada while traveling to a tournament. The team found themselves stranded in the wilderness, forced to work together and survive for nineteen months. Characters often find themselves at odds when stuck, with some resorting to cannibalism. The modern part of the series takes place in 2021 (25 years after the accident), depicting how the ordeal has affected the survivors in their current lives.

Stay tuned to Collider for all the latest news Yellow jackets and its third season. You can catch up on seasons one and two at Show time Or on Paramount+ with Showtime.




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