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Tony Lo Bianco, French Connection, Seven-Ups actor, died at 87 102.3 KRMG

Tony Lo Bianco, French Connection, Seven-Ups actor, died at 87 102.3 KRMG


Actor Tony Lo Bianco, who played tough characters in The French connection And The seven-ups and starred in a one-man show about New York Mayor Fiorella La Guardia, who died on June 11. He was 87 years old.

The actor died of prostate cancer at his horse farm in Poolesville, Maryland, said his wife, Alyse Lo Bianco. The Washington Post.

Born in Brooklyn, the son of a taxi driver and a Golden Gloves fighter, Lo Bianco appeared on Broadway and in more than 100 films during his six-decade acting career, according to the newspaper.

Sporting a smirk and macho look, Lo Bianco played Sal Boca, a Brooklyn restaurant owner who flaunted his expensive cars and wardrobe thanks to drug money in 1971's The French Connection, The New York Times reported.

Two years later, Lo Bianco played Vito Lucia, an undertaker at one of the mob's funeral homes, in The Seven-Ups, according to the newspaper.

Lo Bianco also had a memorable role as a smooth-talking con artist in the 1970 film. The Honeymoon Killersaccording to The Hollywood Reporter.

The actor also appeared on screen in FIST (1978), City Heat (1984) and Nixon (1995), the Job reported. He also played Ray Romano's father in the 2022 film, Somewhere in Queens.

Late in his career, Lo Bianco was known for his stage portrayal of La Guardia, mayor of New York for three terms from 1934 to 1945, according to the Job.

Lo Bianco won an Obie Award in 1975 for Yanks 3, Detroit 0, Top of the Seventh, in which he played Duke Bronkowski, a pitcher trying to throw a perfect game late in his major league baseball career, the Times reported.

The actor was born Anthony Lo Bianco in Brooklyn, New York, on October 19, 1936, according to the newspaper.

His grandparents were from Sicily, and his parents – his father was a taxi driver and owned his own taxi – were from New York, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

He took the show on the road, performing at universities and community colleges as well as cities across Russia and Italy. Job reported.

Lo Bianco attended a professional high school, boxed in a Golden Gloves tournament and had a tryout with the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field, the entertainment news site reported.

“I was too small for first base, I don't think I had a strong enough arm to throw, and I wasn't fast enough for the outfield,” he told the Times in an interview in 1975. I was left-handed, which left me out of the infield and catching.

Lo Bianco's boxing background served him well as he played heavyweight boxing champion Rocky Marciano in 1979. Marciano and Frankie Carbo, a mob-connected boxing promoter, in Rocky Marciano (1999), the Times reported.




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