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ITV Coronation Street actor 'on the verge of quitting' after short spell on the cobbles | Television and radio | Showbiz and television

ITV Coronation Street actor 'on the verge of quitting' after short spell on the cobbles |  Television and radio |  Showbiz and television


The recent arrival of Robin Morrisse as Summer Spellman's boyfriend Felix on Coronation Street has certainly caused a stir.

However, it has been reported that this idiot will abruptly leave the popular soap just weeks after setting foot on the cobbles.

Viewers were shocked to see Summer return to Weatherfield, after finishing her studies in America, introducing Billy and Paul to her new love interest.

But as is often the case in such tragedies, things were not about to get better. Felix overhears a derogatory comment made about him by Paul via his Eyegaze technology.

Before Billy and Todd have a chance to defuse the situation, Felix leaves in a hurry. Actor Robin Morrisse, who shared screen time with Hollywood stars like Tom Hanks and Halle Berry in Cloud Atlas, marked this role as his first foray into the limelight; since then, he has become a regular on our screens, reports the star of the day.

The actor, born and raised in Liverpool, previously played Sergeant Fred Thompson in police drama The Tower.

His early scenes on Corrie sparked mixed feelings among fans of the soap who expressed concerns about the potential disruption his character could cause within Summer's family, coupled with rumors of a possible scandalous affair between Felix and Todd Grimshaw.

These fears are not unfounded, as suspicions surrounding Felix's true intentions towards Summer have grown this week.

One viewer was quick to spread his theory on social media platform came alone to use Paul as a “#Corrie” case study.

One viewer voiced their suspicions on social media, commenting: “Is Summer's boyfriend with her to study Paul up close. I don't know what to think of him. #Corrie.” Meanwhile, another urged caution, tweeting: “#corrie Don't let Felix anywhere near Paul.

The concern was echoed by a third fan who posted: “I don't like him, there's something wrong with him. Run summer, run #Corrie.”

Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV at 8pm.




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