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The influence of actor Darshan's fans is exacerbated: Divya Spandana

The influence of actor Darshan's fans is exacerbated: Divya Spandana


Bengaluru: Three days after actor Darshan's arrest, barring a few reactions, the Kannada film community is still hesitant to publicly condemn or support the star.

In the resounding silence, actor-producer-policeman Ramya aka Divya Spandana's take on the murder accused, calling him a 'habitual offender', resonates louder.

In a recent interview to a TV channel on Darshan's influence, Ramya said that the influence attributed to him is overrated.

“In the past he did it, but I don't think he does it today like we tout. For example, he campaigned for a few candidates in the last election and they all lost. So , I don't. “I think just because you see people standing in front of the police station doesn't mean he has that kind of influence,” she added.

She also said that Darshan is known for having “rowdy elements” as fans, thus attracting all the attention.

Earlier, she had posted a message on X praising the Karnataka Police.

“Great work by @DCPWestBCP S Girish, ACP Chandan Kumar and their team for courageous investigation and arrest of this repeat offender @dasadarshan who is the conspirator of a murder. No one is au- above the law,” she posted.

Meanwhile, actor Sanjjana Galrani comes to town to extend support to the star, saying he is just an accused and not the culprit.

On a YouTube channel, Galrani claimed that when she learned of the arrest via Instagram, she felt extremely shocked. She termed June 12 as a 'black day' for the Kannada film industry.

Calling Darshan a box office king, she also expressed her belief that he will be proven innocent because she knows “what kind of person he is”.

“It's very early to take the plunge. When something like this happens with a celebrity, if there's a 5% allegation, it becomes a 500% allegation,” she added.

She also urged people not to speculate on a person's perceived “bad qualities” and to let the police and judiciary do their job and deliver real justice to the victim.

“Just like being a celebrity is a great opportunity, it is also a curse. We celebrities face great challenges like this,” she added.

Incidentally, Galrani was arrested by the Central Crime Branch of the Karnataka Police on September 8, 2020, in connection with an investigation into a drug racket involving the Kannada film industry.

Actor Ragini Dwivedi was also arrested in the same case. Galrani was released on bail after three months in prison.

Meanwhile, some netizens are objecting to the Kannada Film Chamber of Commerce's (KFCC) statement that they “cannot ban” Darshan.

They pointed out that in 2011, when Darshan was arrested for domestic violence, his co-star Nikita Thukral was promptly banned by the Kannada Film Producers' Association for allegedly having an affair with the murder accused.

In a BBC report dated September 12, 2011, Munirathnam, then president of the association, had said that if Thukral “apologizes for her behavior and says she will just work in films and not get involved not in the domestic affairs of other actors, we will do it.” remove the ban.”

He had also said the ban, a first for the Kannada film industry, would be a “lesson for others”.

Thukral, who had also acted in films in other regional languages ​​like Tamil and Telugu, had denied having an extra-marital affair with Darshan.




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