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Joe Alwyn breaks silence on Taylor Swift breakup

Joe Alwyn breaks silence on Taylor Swift breakup


Joe Alwyn has broken his silence on the end of his relationship with Taylor Swift, more than a year after their split.

The actor sat down with The Sunday Times Style Magazine ahead of the release of his next film, Yorgos Lanthimos' Kinds of kindness, June 21st. During the conversation, Alwyn spoke candidly about her breakup with the global superstar in April 2023.

Despite being the first to publicly address their breakup, Swift's new album, The Department of Tortured Poets, seems to answer it, with songs like “So Long, London” and “The Black Dog”. Not to mention the name of the album itself sounds like a WhatsApp group chat Alwyn has with Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal called The Tortured Man Club.

When asked if he had listened to the album, Alwyn did not answer the question directly. Instead, he told the publication: “I hope everyone can empathize and understand the difficulties that come with ending a long, loving, fully committed relationship of over six and a half years . It's a difficult thing to deal with. What is unusual and abnormal about this situation is that a week later it suddenly comes into the public domain and the outside world can intervene.”

Once the news of their separation was announced, the Conversations with friends The star noted that their “very real” experience was suddenly thrust into the “very unreal space” of tabloids, social media and the press, where it was “dissected, speculated, distorted beyond recognition.” .

“And the truth is that, on this last point, there will always be a gap between what is known and what is said,” he explained. “I’ve made peace with that.”

Swifties have long speculated that Alwyn was the one who wanted to keep their relationship private, and the actor made a point of stating in his interview with the British publication that they decided this together and that he wanted to continue to keep the most private details. to himself.

“It's never been something to be commodified, and I don't see any reason to change that now,” Alwyn said, adding, “Look, that was also a little over a year ago now, and I feel lucky to be in a really great place in New York my life – professionally and personally.

Elsewhere their conversation, the Harriet the actor spoke about his experience working with Lanthimos for the second time Kinds of kindness, which also stars Emma Stone, Swift's longtime friend and regular collaborator with the director.

The film's all-star cast also includes Willem Dafoe, Margaret Qualley, Jesse Plemons and Hunter Schafer, among others. In the project, Alwyn plays a single father who tries to get his wife (Stone) back from a cult.

“Even though Yorgos really goes into the dark corners of his work, he keeps the atmosphere light on set. This is my second time working with him and with Emily,” he said, referring to Stone by her birth name, which she has said before. The Hollywood Reporter she would like to go professional. “I love them both and I love working with them, so it was comfortable.”

After Alwyn and Swift broke up, the Grammy-winning artist began a very public relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. She made her first appearance at a Chiefs football game in September 2023 and attended 12 other games last season, including the Super Bowl, where the Chiefs won for the second year in a row.




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