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Biden team set to raise record $28 million in Hollywood fundraiser

Biden team set to raise record $28 million in Hollywood fundraiser


President Joe Biden's campaign hopes to raise more than $28 million at a celebrity-filled Los Angeles fundraiser Saturday night in a Hollywood show of force.

Biden left a meeting of world leaders in Italy on Friday, skipping the final dinner to fly to Los Angeles for the fundraiser, which will feature former President Barack Obama, actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts and the late night show host Jimmy Kimmel.

Air Force One landed in Washington just long enough to refuel for the current flight and landed in Los Angeles on Saturday morning.

The trip across 10 time zones illustrates the competing presidential and political demands of Biden's time as the campaign against former President Donald Trump gathers pace.

Aides said the tax schedule made it clear that even at age 81, he still demonstrated the stamina to accomplish his many tasks.

The $28 million expected at Saturday's event is expected to break a party record, surpassing the $26 million Democrats raised at a March fundraiser in New York featuring Biden, Obama and the former President Bill Clinton.

While Biden and the Democrats outpaced Trump's team in donations for much of the campaign, Republicans raised $50.5 million at an event in Palm Beach, Fla., in April, and reported raising a total of $141 million in May, which is what Biden and Democrats raised in March and April combined.

Tickets for the Democratic event at the Peacock Theater range from $250 for grassroots supporters to $500,000 for a four-seat package.

The film and television industry has long been a financial bulwark for Democrats, but organizers hoped to use Saturday's fundraiser to bolster Biden's coffers and demonstrate his strong support among some of the country's most recognized figures .

“This Saturday, we will see unprecedented and record-breaking turnout across the media and entertainment world,” Jeffrey Katzenberg, a longtime Hollywood mogul who now serves as co-chair of the Biden campaign, said in a statement.

“The enthusiasm and commitment for Biden-Harris could not be stronger. We all understand that this is the most important election of our lifetimes.”

Clooney and Roberts are among the biggest draws. But questions around Clooney's support arose after a Washington Post reported this month that the actor had contacted a senior White House official to file a complaint related to the war in the Gaza Strip.

Clooney's complaint focused on the president's criticism last month of the International Criminal Court's decision to seek an arrest warrant for senior Israeli officials over the war.

Amal Clooney, a human rights lawyer and the actor's wife, worked on the case. In the days since the dispute became public, George Clooney has made numerous fundraising appeals to the Biden campaign, in an apparent effort to show that his support for the president remains strong.

Kimmel will interview Biden and Obama at the event, focusing particularly on health care. After his newborn son required open heart surgery in 2017, Kimmel spoke outwardly about the importance of the Affordable Care Act passed when Obama was president and Biden was vice president.

Other celebrities expected Saturday night include Jason Bateman, Jack Black, Kathryn Hahn and Sheryl Lee Ralph.

Published June 16, 2024, 03:19 EAST




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