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When Imtiaz Ali refused to give in to pressure when asked if his Muslim identity was a barrier in the film industry: I'm not ashamed | Bollywood News

When Imtiaz Ali refused to give in to pressure when asked if his Muslim identity was a barrier in the film industry: I'm not ashamed |  Bollywood News


Filmmaker Imtiaz Ali recently celebrated his much-awaited return to form with the musical biopic Amar Singh Chamkila, starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra. One of the film's major themes was artistic freedom in times of oppression, with the main protagonist ultimately sacrificing his life for his art. One of Imtiaz's most widely shared interviews saw him answer questions about the exact same idea. The filmmaker, who celebrates his 53rd birthday on Sunday, dismissed suggestions that he would have difficulty working in Bollywood because of his Muslim identity, as he engaged in combative exchanges with the interviewer.

The interview was conducted in 2019, a few years after the disastrous Harry Met Sejal Jab, and more than four years before the release of Amar Singh Chamkila. “Is it difficult for a man named Imtiaz Ali, or Khan, to work in the film industry these days?” he was asked. Imtiaz replied, “Are you saying I am facing difficulties because of my name, my religion? Not at all.” When asked about Karan Johar's film My Name is Khan and what it stands for, Imtiaz said, “My Name is Khan is a very good film, on an important subject. This film was meant for the world entire country, not just the Hindi film industry. Just as your entire country suffers because of a few bad apples, so do religions.

Also Read – Amar Singh Chamkila: Imtiaz Ali had decided to make a film on the murdered singer, but he instead made a film on himself

Only a fool, he said, would form a generalized opinion about an entire religion based on the actions of a few people, adding that he would not allow himself to be pushed into a corner by this series of questions. “I have lived in many cities. I've never felt that way in this country or in this industry. “The Constitution gives everyone the freedom to express their personal beliefs, and I never felt that I was in danger,” said the filmmaker, denying feeling the same way as certain “movie stars” who had spoken . about the growing intolerance at the time. “A certain tension can be felt everywhere in the world. I believe that this time too will pass; all we have to do is hold on,” he said.

Imtiaz Ali said that regardless of the political party in power, filmmakers have always been “conscious” about what they put out into the world. Asked if he could continue working while “ignoring” his Muslim identity, Imtiaz replied: “I cannot ignore that I am from Jamshedpur. I cannot ignore the fact that I went to a Hindu university. I can't ignore that I live in Mumbai. There are many things I cannot ignore. And why should I ignore all this? I am not ashamed. I can continue to work in this industry, fully aware of every aspect of my identity.

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Imtiaz made his debut with the film Socha Na Tha, followed by the hit Jab We Met. He gained even more cult appreciation with films like Rockstar, Tamasha, Love Aaj Kal and Highway. After a career slowdown with Jab Harry Met Sejal and a spiritual sequel to Love Aaj Kal, he rebounded with Amar Singh Chamkila. Imtiaz's films are generally coming-of-age tales featuring male protagonists caught in prolonged adolescence.

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